Project coordinator

Dr. József Szeberényi, PhD

Junior researcher fellow at Geographical Institute, Research Centre of Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His research specialization is the evolution of fluvial terraces (geomorphology, GIS). His study area is the Visegrad Gorge and its tributaries in the Börzsöny Mountains.

Role in the project
Project coordination, geomorphological mapping, digital landformanalysis, relation of study area to terrace system of Visegrad Gorge based on landforms and Late Pleistocene fluvial sediments.

Geographical Institute, Research Centre of Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45, Hungary
tel: +36 1 3092600

Related recent publications:

Szeberényi J, Viczián I, Fábián SzÁ, Józsa S. 2013. The relation of the South-eastern Börzöny Hills to the Visegrad Gorge, Hungary STUDIA GEOMORPHOLOGICA CARPATHO BALCANICA 47:(1) pp. 81-93.

Bradák B, Kiss K, Barta G, Varga Gy, Szeberényi J, Józsa S, Novothny Á, Kovács J, Markó A, Mészáros E, Szalai Z., 2014. Different paleoenvironments of Late Pleistocene age identified in Verőce outcrop, Hungary: preliminary results QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 319: pp. 119-136.

Szeberényi J. 2010. Geomorphological environment of boulders and grain-size analysis of gravel sheets in the Southern Börzsöny, Hungary HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN 59:(4) pp. 371-392.

Hably L, Schweitzer F, Szeberényi J. 2010. The hot spring deposits near Magyarkút and their paleobotanical analysis (Börzsöny Mountains, Hungary) HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN 59:(1) pp. 3-16.