The Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces of IGU has held its annual mini conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest between 2-4 October. The title of the conference was the following: "Rethinking Economic Geography in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution:Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Employment and Industry 4.0.
This was the first occasion when this event was organised in Hungary. On the conference there were 14 lectures in four sessions, which dealt with the theoretical aspects of industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution. Participants also analysed how new technologies affect economy and particularly the physical and virtual spaces and places of economic activities. After the two day conference there was a one day field trip to the Industrial Park of Esztergom in order to study industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution in practice.
The next annual conference of the Commission will be held in New Haven (US) in 2020.