Our address
Geographical Institute, HUN-REN Research Centre for Astonomy and Earth Sciences
H-1112, Budapest, Budaörsi str. 45.
GPS coordinates
φ=47°28'41.6" λ=19°1'29.3"
The Institute can be reached
By car: there are several parking lots around the building, accessible via the main entrance located at Töhötöm str.
By public transport: The institute is accessible by different bus lines. You can take lines 139, 140 or 140A from traffic nodes Széll Kálmán tér and/or Déli pályaudvar; line 108E from Újpalota/Bosnyák tér via inner city; line 240 from Budaörs. You have to take off at bus stop Fehérló utca, in front of the Institute.