
Солідарність з Україною - In solidarity with Ukraine

In solidarity with Ukraine

On behalf of the entire academic community of Geographical Institute Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences we express our strong condemnation of the unprecedented act of aggression against independent Ukraine. We declare our full solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and with the academic community, the fellow-colleagues with whom we have been engaged in joint research, publishing, and field work for decades.

2 Oct. 2024

Dr. Tigran Sargsyan (Assistant professor at Faculty of Geography and Geology, Yerevan State University) visited the HUN-REN CSFK Geographical Institute on 1st October, 2024

  •   Oct. 2024
Dr. Tigran Sargsyan (Assistant professor at  Faculty of Geography and Geology, Yerevan State University) visited the HUN-REN CSFK Geographical Institute on 1st October, 2024

Professor Sargsyan delivered a talk about the challanges of urban planning and development in Armenia, especially in Yerevan.
In 2012, Dr. Sargsyan participated in an international research coordinated by the institute, which was financed by the International Visegrad Fund, and in which we reviewed the state of the environment of the housing estates in the Visegrad countries and Armenia (HEAS, Residential Environment in Large Housing Estates after Socialism).
The articles produced as a result of the project can be read as a special section of the Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 62/1.

2 July 2024

IGU CDES Annual Conference in Peking, chaired by Dr. Eva Kiss

  •   July. 2024
IGU CDES Annual Conference in Peking, chaired by Dr. Eva Kiss

The Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces of the International Geographical Union (IGU CDES), chaired by Dr. Eva Kiss, FTI's scientific advisor, held its annual conference in Beijing on June 21-22, 2024. The conference was organized by Peking University under the title "Asia in the Transforming Global Economy". The choice of this topic was justified, on the one hand, by the fact that radical changes have begun in the world economy in the past decade (e.g. technological revolution, de-globalization), and on the other hand by the fact that Asia and Asian economies are playing an increasingly important role in global economic processes. The 26 presentations dealt with the importance of Asia in the world economy from different aspects (e.g. AI, global production networks, foreign capital investments, industrial transformation, industrial sectors). Eva Kiss's presentation (title: FDI in ECE with particular regard to the Hungarian industry in the age of the fourth industrial revolution) demonstrated that the changes in Asian economies also affect the industry of other, distant countries of the world and its territorial processes.

9 Febr 2024

Workshop about the current social processes in the Hungarian-Ukrainian border zone

  •   Febr. 2024
Workshop about the current social processes in the Hungarian-Ukrainian border zone

On the 8th of February 2024, a group of international scholars gathered at the HUN-REN RCAES Geographical Institute to present their ongoing research in the Hungarian-Ukrainian border area, particularly Transcarpathia. Based on his previous research in Spain and Georgia, Martin Lepič (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague) analysed the internal variations and hierarchy within national minority regions. Gela Merabishvili (Department of Social and Economic Geography, Eötvös Loránd University) presented the first results of his ongoing postdoctoral research project about the interrelatedness of vernacular and national security at the Hungarian-Ukrainian border. Péter Balogh (Department of Social and Economic Geography, Eötvös Loránd University) provided an overview of the securitisation of Ukraine’s ethnic Hungarian minority in the last decade. Ágnes Erőss, Katalin Kovály and Patrik Tátrai presented some findings of the ongoing OTKA project (K139127) and talked about the migration, particularly the older adult migration, in the Ukrainian-Hungarian border area.

A lively discussion between the participants and the attendees followed the presentations.

1 Febr 2024

Faruk Çam’s visit at the HUN-REN RCAES Geographical Institute

  •   Febr. 2024
Faruk Çam’s visit at the HUN-REN RCAES Geographical Institute

Between 29th January and 9th February 2024, HUN-REN RCAES Geographical Institute hosts Faruk Çam, lecturer at Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Turkey. His PhD research is about environmental migration and its relation to urban. Besides, he researches the Ukrainian refugees in Turkey, focusing on the daily lives of Ukrainian refugees in Manisa and Aydin provinces. During his two-week-long visit, supported by the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeships program, Faruk Çam consults the members of the HUN-REN RCAES GI Research Group on Ethnic, Political Geography and Migration. The visit provides the opportunity to consult the members of the Research Group dealing with migration from Ukraine, Ágnes Erőss, Patrik Tátrai and Katalin Kovály and to learn about the legal and social status of the Ukrainian refugees in Turkey and Hungary.

On 30th January, Faruk Çam presented his first results, which were followed by a lively Q&A session.

11 Oct 2023

Spotlight Summer School returned to Opole

  •   Oct. 2023
Spotlight Summer School returned to Opole

Opolskie Lamy Film Festival, the most prominent film event in Opole voivodeship and one of the well-known independent film festivals in Poland, is a celebration of moving pictures: more than a hundred film screenings and accompanying cultural events fill several cultural institutions of the city. Hence, it was an honor that the short film etudes, produced by participants of the Spotlight Summer School in 2022 in Opole and 2023 in Józsefváros, Budapest, were included in the festival program.

4 Oct 2023

Dr. Wojciech Opioła's guest lecture at HUN-REN CSFK Geographical Institute

  •   Oct 2023
Dr. Wojciech Opioła's guest lecture at HUN-REN CSFK Geograpical Institute

Dr. Wojciech Opioła, deputy head of Political Science and Public Administration, (University of Opole), Poland visited the HUN-REN CSFK Geographical Institute.

The title of his lecture was „Human migrations and borderland dynamics: mapping research problems using Scopus database". After the lecture, Dr Opioła provided an update on the current political situation in Poland, in the light of the upcoming elections in October. Dr. Opioła’s visit was supported by Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility for Training.

21 Sept 2023

Spotlight Summer School in Józsefváros, Budapest

  •   21 Sept 2023
Spotlight Summer School in Józsefváros, Budapest

Between 28th August-3rd September 2023 the second edition of the Spotlight Summer School, devoted to examining the potential of documentary filmmaking as a research method in social sciences took place in Józsefváros, the 8th disctrict of Budapest. Spotlight aims to reveal the dynamics of place attachment and identity in culturally diverse cities through audiovisual. Ágnes Erőss, research fellow of the HUN-REN Geographical Institute Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, was the summer school co-organizer.

This year, organizers were pleased to welcome 10 participants from 9 countries (Germany, Czechia, Poland, Romania, Finland, Tukey, France, England and Luxembourg). They represented a great diversity in age, education, experience and nationality.

During one week, the participants explored Józsefváros, discovering its rich historical heritage, capturing the neighbourhood's ambience, highlighting myriad micro-histories of its inhabitants and their relations with the urban space.

After completing their engaging and intensive work, they showcased 4 short video etudes at Közkincs Könyvtár in Budapest on September 2nd.

20 Sept 2023

Eva Kiss is the chair of the IGU CDES from 2023

  •   20 Sept 2023
Eva Kiss is the chair of the IGU CDES from 2023

The Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces (CDES) of the International Geographical Union (IGU) held its annual conference in Bern, September 13-15, 2023. Since January 2023, the IGU CDES has been chaired by Eva Kiss, who also gave a lecture entitled “Industry 4.0 and manufacturing industry in the Hungarian small towns” at the conference. The presentation was about the spread of Industry 4.0 technologies in the Hungarian small-town industry, its influencing factors and its impacts on local industrial enterprises.

25 August 2023

Institute director Károly Kocsis receives the Elek Fényes Prize

  •   25 Aug 2023
Institute director Károly Kocsis receives the Elek Fényes Prize

Dr. Károly Kocsis, Széchenyi Prize-winning director of the Geographical Institute of the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences (CSFK), had received the Elek Fényes prize in recognition of his work in establishing close cooperation and excellent working relations between the KSH and the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences.

The presentation of the Elek Fényes Awards took place at a ceremony at the KSH's headquarters in Budapest.

9 May 2023

The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) organized a workshop in Flensburg on 4-5th May 2023 about the impact of war in Ukraine on ethno-religious minorities

  •   9 May 2023
The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) organized a workshop in Flensburg on 4-5th May 2023 about the impact of war in Ukraine on ethno-religious minorities.

It was a great opportunity to present the initial findings of our ongoing research financed by NRDI Fund OTKA K 139127 research project. The project aims to explore population dynamics at the Hungarian-Ukrainian border zone, especially current migration trends of Transcarpathian Hungarians.

17 Nov 2022

Spotlight summer school on documentary film making in social sciences

  •   17 Nov 2022
Spotlight summer school on documentary film making in social sciences

Spotlight was the name of a one-week long, on-site summer school which took place in Opole, Poland between 11th and 18th September, which was dedicated to exploring the potential of documentary film making in social sciences as research method and as an instrument of dissemination of research results. It offered an innovative, practice-oriented knowledge to MA and PhD students, empowering them with skills which they can use either in their future research or dissemination.

29 Sept 2022

Issue 3 Vol. 71 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin has been published

  •   29 Sept 2022

02 Nov 2020

The Demography of Disasters

  •   02 November 2020
Demography of disasters

As result of the long term cooperation between the Northern Institute of Charles Darwin University (Australia) and the Geographical Institute of Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences the book entitled ‘The Demography of Disasters – Impacts for Population and Place’ has been recently published by Springer.
This manuscript discusses the interplay between disaster and demography through 13 chapters written by 23 internationally recognized scholars from Australia, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine and the USA. The topics ranging from bushfires in California to depopulation caused forest fires in Russia and demographic effect of heatwaves in Australia to nuclear disaster induced mass resettlement in Japan.
This is an OPEN ACCESS book and available to download for FREE via Springer at this link:
The book launch is now deferred to a later date TBA due to the coronavirus pandemic disaster.

31 Aug 2020

Special award winning short film, directed by Ágnes Erőss (Geographical Institute RCAES)

  •   30 August 2020
Születtünk mint magyarok

The short film titled We were born Hungarians (Születtünk mint magyarok) won the jury’s special award at the 6th Festival of Cultural Films (Kulturális Filmek Fesztiválja). The short film was directed by Ágnes Erőss (research fellow GI RCAES) and Mária Takács. The nearly six minute etude reveals episodes from the cultural life of a small Hungaraian diaspora living in Kobyletska Polyana (Gyertyánliget) in Transcarpathia, Ukraine.
The film (together with the other finalists) is available in this link (Hungarian, no English subtitles):

24 Aug 2020

Belarus in Maps, an atlas published by the Geographical Institute – if you are interested in the background of the current political situation in Belarus

  •   24 August 2020
Belarus in Maps

Why are people protesting in Belarus under the white-red-white flag? Is it a Belarusian “Maidan”? Is it Belarus or Belorussia? How significant is the Russian minority or the Russian language use in Belarus? Why has Lithuania close historical ties to Belarus?
If you are interested in the socio-economic and historical-ethnical background of all these questions, Belarus in Maps published in 2017 by the CSFK Geographical Institute will serve as an excellent information source.

30 June 2020

"The fourth industrial revolution in economic geographical approach" - Issue 2 Vol. 69 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin has been published

  •   30 June 2020

2 Apr 2020

Issue 1 Vol. 69 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin is now available online

  •   2 April 2020

26 Febr 2020

A documentary was released as part of the ongoing research of the Geographical Institute RCAES

  •   26 February 2020
Lenin was not needed anymore

Lenin was not needed anymore, says the title of the documentary, which was shot in the picturesque Kobyletska Poljana (in Hungarian: Gyertyánliget) in Transcarpathia, Ukraine. Researchers of the Geographical Institute RCAES, Ágnes Erőss, Katalin Kovály and Patrik Tátrai has been studying the recent social dynamics in Transcarpathia, Ukraine since 2017. The documentary was shot in one of their research field, with the active participation of local residents.

28 Dec 2019

Issue 4 Vol. 68 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin is now available online

  •   28 December 2019

9 Oct 2019

The Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces of IGU has held its annual mini conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest between 2-4 October

  •   9 October 2019
IGU CDES Konferencia

The Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces of IGU has held its annual mini conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest between 2-4 October.

3 Oct 2019

"Selected studies on landscape degradation in Hungary" - Issue 3 Vol. 68 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin has been published

  •   3 October 2019

23 July 2019

The English language edition of the National Atlas of Hungary, Volume Natural Environment has received the most prestigious international recognition

  •   23 July 2019
National Atlas of Hungary
The International Cartographic Association held its biennial International Cartographic Conference – ICC in Tokyo between 15 and 20 July 2019. The International Cartographic Exhibition presents the most noteworthy cartographic products of the past two years after a pre-selection process.
The international professional jury set up seven categories for the works published in the last two years. In the category of Atlases, the first prize was awarded to the Natural Environment volume of the National Atlas of Hungary. This volume was found best from the submitted more than forty atlases released between 2017 and 2019, and it received the title, ICA International Cartographic Exhibition Award Winner.
The jury emphasized in its appreciation that it is a comprehensive and detailed atlas, the cartography is lavish and sets Hungary’s natural environment in its human context. The maps are accompanied by numerous well-presented graphs, texts and infographics.

2 July 2019

"Soil data collection, mapping and interpretation" - Issue 2 Vol. 68 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin has been published

  •   2 July 2019

4 Apr 2019

Issue 1 Vol. 68 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin has been published

  •   4 Apr 2019

21 Dec 2018

"Perspectives of quantitative analysis in modern physical and landscape geography" - Issue 4 Vol. 67 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin has been published

  •   21 Dec 2018

19 Dec 2018

Natural environment - the English version of the 2nd volume of National Atlas of Hungary is available in print and online

  •   19 Dec 2018
Magyarország Nemzeti Atlasza 2. : természeti környezet

National Atlas of Hungary: Natural environment: the second volume of National Atlas of Hungary has been published in English language.

05 Oct 2018

"Creative economy in post-socialist countries" - Issue 3 Vol. 67 of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin has been published

  •   05 Oct 2018

30 June 2018

New issue published: Hungarian Geographical Bulletin Vol. 67 Issue 2

  •   30 June 2018

9 March 2018

2nd Full Consortium Meeting and Workshop of the Polish-Hungarian Academic exchange project

  •   9 March 2018

The 2nd full consortium meeting of the Polish-Hungarian Academic exchange project titled "Diversification and gentrification in urban areas. A confrontative analysis" took place in Budapest between 5-8th March 2018. On 6th March three preseantations were delivered targeting major issues of the three years long project. Ewa Korcelli-Olejniczak talked about diversification, social cohesion and local attachement in two research sites in Warsaw. Ágnes Erőss presented the results of a joint research with Dániel Balizs (BME) invetigating the linguistic landscape of one specific street in the research area. Balázs Szabó and Renáta Szabó talked about the possible topics of comparison of Ursynow and Pók street housing estates and their cartographic representation. The researchers agreed on the main focus of joint articles. The next meeting will take place in Warsaw in April 2018.

8 March 2018

Visit of geography students from University of Lleida

  •   8 March 2018
Geography students from University of Lleida

A group of twenty students from the University of Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) visited the Geographical Institute CSFK MTA on 5th March 2018. Lead by Professor Joan Ganau Casas and Professor Pedro Fraile Pérez de Mendiguren, masters students participated in lectures and guided tours focusing on the history of Hungary and Budapest delivered by Ágnes Erőss.

28 Feb 2018

Ten years of Ukraine studies in the Geographical Institute

  •   20 February 2018
Ten years of Ukraine studies

A group of researchers celebrated the decade long operation of the Ukrainain-Hungarian Academic research programme. The Ukrainian studies in the Geographical Institute RCAES HAS was initiated by Dávid Karácsonyi, whose activity made possible the organization of various workshops, conferences and projects.

20 Feb 2018

Visit at the University of Rome Tor Vergata

  •   20 February 2018
Ágnes Erőss

Ágnes Erőss, researcher at the Geographical Institute CSFK MTA visited the University of Tor Vergata between 12th-18th 2018. The scientific co-operation between Ágnes Erőss, Patrik Tátrai (GI CSFK MTA) and Alessandro Ricci (Tor Vergata) dates back to the EUGEO 2015 Congress, held in Budapest.

23 Nov 2017

Our new book is out: Ferenc Schweitzer: Tanulmányok a geomorfológia, a geokronológia, a hidrogeográfia és a Marskutatás területéről.

  •   23 November 2017
Belarus in Maps

In the latest publication of the institute, which is likely to be of great interest, the author highlights the most important achievements of his geomorphological, geographical and hidrological research.

16 Oct 2017

Professional visit to the GRID Arendal

  •    16 October 2017
Belarus in Maps

In the frame of EEA Scholarship Programme five researchers of Geographical Institute CSFK Hungarian Academy of Sciences visited the office of GRID Arendal. GRID Arendal, established in 1989 to support environmentally sustainable development, works in close collaboration with - among others - the UNEP.

8 Sept 2017

Belarus in Maps - brand new volume of the 'In maps' series is out!

  •    8 September 2017
Belarus in Maps

BOOK LAUNCH - We invite you to the launch of our new atlas 'Belarus in Maps' - the brand new volume of the 'In Maps series'.
Date: 14h, 7th September 2017
Venue: MTA Main Building, 1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István sqr. 9

24 Aug 2017

International Workshop on Regional Geography - 8th September 2017

  •    24 Aug 2017
International Workshop on Regional Geography

International Workshop on Regional Geography at MTA CSFK Geographical Institute

12 July 2017

"Diversification and gentrification in urban areas. A confrontative analysis" - new Polish-Hungarian research project

  •    12 July 2017
Kovács Zoltán

A new research project was launched between the Geographical Institute Research Centre for Astonomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (GI RCAES MTA) and the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences (IG IPZ PAN). The three-year-long project is titled "Diversification and gentrification in urban areas.

7 oct 2016

Researchers of Geographical Institute RCAES HAS visited colleagues in Kyiv

  •    7 October 2016
Researchers of Geographical Institute RCAES HAS visited colleagues in Kyiv

The Geographical Institute Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA CSFK GI) and The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine (NAS) conduct a joint research titled Regional processes and global challenges following 2008 crisis in Ukraine and Hungary.

18 May 2016

Visiting the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Haifa

  •    18 May 2016
Erőss Ágnes izraeli kollégákkal a University of Haifa Földrajz Tanszékén

The Geographical Institute RCAES MTA and University of Haifa signed a co-operation agreement in 2015. In the frame of the contract on 9th May, 2016 Ágnes Erőss, junior research fellow in GI RCAES MTA, visited the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies University of Haifa.

18 May 2016

Geographical Institute at MTA Geoday

  •    18 May 2016
MTA Geonap

MTA CSFK Geographical Institute participated at the MTA Geonap (Geoday) event held on 13 th May 2016. The event took place in the MTA's beautiful main building on Széchenyi tér. GI researchers provided an overview about the scientific work of the institute.

8 april 2016

Our researchers at the Conference "Social Geographical Challenges and Search for Adequate Answers in East-Central Europe of the 21st Century", 31 May - 1 April 2016, Beregszász/Berehove

  •    8 April 2016
Beregszász Conference

Beregszász/Berehove (Transcarpathia, Ukraine) hosted the international conference titled Social Geographical Challanges and Search for Adequate Answers in East-Central Europe of the 21st Century. Due to the excellent organizing work of the collegues of Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, the attendees could enjoy interesting presentations. The multilinguality of the conference is also needed to be highlighted.

14 aug 2014

Prof. Oren Yiftachel visited MTA CSFK Geographical Institute

  •    14 aug 2014
Oren Yiftachel

Prof. Oren Yiftachel (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel), internationally renowned researcher in political geography visited the GI RCAES HAS on 5th-6th August, 2014. His main research interest touches upon critical theories of space and power; minorities and public policy; 'ethnocratic' societies and land regimes.

8 aug 2014

Prof. Maoz Azaryahu visited MTA CSFK Geographical Institute

  •    8 aug 2014
Maoz Azaryahu

Prof. Maoz Azaryahu (University of Haifa), internationally recognized researcher in political geography visited the GI RCAES HAS on 22nd-23rd July, 2014. His main research interest touches upon street names and monuments in public spaces and their relation with politics and politics of commemoration.