Library - geographical E-journals
Electronic/digitalized free accessible Hungarian and foreign geographical journals
- Open access / freely available
Title | Volumes | Access |
Aerul şi apa: componente ale mediului = Air and water : components of the environment | 2009- | |
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies | 2002- | |
Acta Carolus Robertus  | 2011- | |
Acta Geobalcanica | 2015- | |
Acta Geographica Croatica | 1958- | |
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research | 2003- | |
Barlangkutatás | 1913-1944 | |
Barlangvilág | 1926-1943 | |
BELGEO  | 2000- | |
Boletim de Geografia | 1983- | |
Brazilian Geographical Journal: Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium | 2010- | |
Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series | 2009- | |
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series | 2003- | |
Cahiers d'Outre-Mer | 2001- | |
Cahiers de Géographie du Québec | 1956- | |
Confins : Revue Franco-Brésilienne de Géographie | 2007- | |
Corvinus Regionális Tanulmányok / Regional Studies | 2010-2011 | |
Cross-Cultural Management Journal | 2012- | |
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography | 1996- | |
Demografija | 2004- | |
Dialogo | 2014- | |
EchoGéo | 2007- | |
Eco.Mont: Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management | 2009- | |
Ekonomika regiona | 2015- | |
Enlightening Tourism : a Pathmaking Journal | 2011- | |
E-Perimetron : History of Cartography and Maps | 2006- | |
Epohi | 2011- | |
erdeDie Erde [és előzményei: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde, ...]  | 1866-2010 ; 2011- | |
Erdészeti Lapok | 1862- | |
Erdkunde  | 1947- | |
Estudios Geográficos | 1990- | |
Europa XXI | 1998- | |
European Countryside | 2009- | |
European Journal of Geography | 2010- | |
European Spatial Research and Policy | 1994- | |
Fennia  | 1965- | |
Finisterra : Revista Portuguesa de Geografia | 1966- | |
Folia Geographica [Szlovákia] | 1998- | |
Folia Geographica. Series geographica-Physica [Lengyelország] | 2000-2010 | |
GeoInformatica Polonica | 1999- | |
Kartografia i Geoinformacije | 2002- | |
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society [Lengyelország] | 2011- | |
Geographical Locality Studies | 2013- | Teljes szöveg 2013- |
Prace Geograficzne (Krakkó)  | 1995-2011, 2012- | |
Folia Quaternaria | 1993-2015 | |
Forum Geografic (Craiova) | 2002- | |
Geografia : Malaysian Journal of Society and Space | 2005- | |
Geografija ir edukacija: mokslo almanachas [Litvánia] | 2013- | |
Geographical Review of Japan, Series B [és előzményei] | 1925- | |
Geography Journal | 2012-2016 | |
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites (Oradea) | 2008- | |
Geoscape | 2014- | |
GI_Forum : Journal for Geographic Information Science | 2013- | |
Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Društva | 1912-1932, 2001- ; 2002 | |
Göç Dergisi | 2014- | |
Historical Geography : an Annual Journal of Research, Commentary and Reviews | 2000- | |
Human Geographies - Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography (Bucharest) | 2007- | |
Hungarian Cultural Studies | 2008- | |
ILIRIA International Review | 2011- | |
industrialThe Industrial Geographer | 2003-2015 | |
International Journal of the Commons | 2007- | |
International Journal of Health Geographics | 2002- | |
International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructure Research | 2006- | |
Island Studies Journal | 2006- | |
Journal of Alpine Research = Revue de Géographie Alpine | 1913- | |
Journal of Environmental Geography [Szeged]  | 2008- 2008- |
Journal of Geography and Geology | 2009- | |
Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters | 2011- | |
Journal of Spatial Information Science | 2010- | |
Journal of Urban and Landscape Planning | 2016- | |
Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis | 2009- | |
Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi [Journal of Institute of Black Sea Studies] | 2015- | |
Management Intercultural | 2010- | |
Mappemonde : Revue sur l'Image Géographique et les Formes du Territoire | 1986- | |
Modern Geográfia [Pécs]  | 2006- | |
Naš krš [Our karst - Bosznia-Hercegovina] | 1977-1978, 2014-2018 | |
North West Geographer [North West Geograpy] | 1997-2000, 2001- | |
open atmThe Open Atmospheric Science Journal | 2007-2019 | |
open environmental & The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal | 2008-2014 | |
open environmental engThe Open Environmental Engineering Journal | 2008-2014 | |
open environmental poThe Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal | 2009-2013 | |
Open Environmental Sciences Journal | 2007-2018 | |
open geograpThe Open Geography Journal | 2008-2015 | |
PANGAEA - adatportál | ||
Papers on Global Change IGBP | 2010-2018 | |
Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen [és előzményei] | 1855- | |
Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG [Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society] | 2016- | |
Public Administration & Regional Studies | 2008- | |
Reality of Politics. Estimates - Comments - Forecasts | 2012- | |
Regional Statistics  | 2011- | |
Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO) | 2011- | |
Revista Română de Studii Baltice şi Nordice (Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies) | 2009- | |
Revista Şcolii Doctorale de Urbanism | 2016- | |
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich [Rural Studies] | 2001- | |
Shima : The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures | 2007- | |
Social Geography | 2005-2012 | |
Socio.hu Társadalomtudományi Szemle | 2011- | |
Roczniki Gleboznawcze - Soil Science Annual | 1950- | |
Space – Society – Economy [Przestrzeń - Społeczeństwo - Gospodarka] | 2013- | |
Spatium | 2002- | |
Studia Geohistorica | 2013- | |
Studia Miejskie | 2000-, 2015- | |
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Digitalia | 2017-2020 | |
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej | 2012-2019 | |
Quaestiones Geographicae | 2010- | |
ter - gazdTér - Gazdaság - Ember  | 2013- | |
Természetföldrajzi Közlemények a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Földrajzi Intézetéből [Közlemények a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Földrajzi Intézetének Természetföldrajz Tanszékéről]  | 2012- | |
Territorial Identity and Development | 2016- | |
Területfejlesztés és Innováció | 2007- | |
Területi Statisztika  | 2006- | |
Turyzm = Tourism (Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Turyzm) | 1985- | |
Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii | 2010- | |
Zbornik Radova Geografskog Instituta „Jovan Cvijić” SANU | 2002- | |
Urban Development Issues [előzménye a lengyel nyelvű Problemy Rozwoju Miast] | 2004- | |
Espaço e Economia - Revista brasileira de geografia econômica | 2012- | |
Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt / Ergänzungsheft | 1879-1937 | |
Acta Geográfica [Brazília] | 2007- | |
Acta Geographica Silesiana | 2007- | |
Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae | 1999- | |
ZELTForum : Göttinger Schriften zu Landschaftsinterpretation und Tourismus | 2006- | |
Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins | 1869-1942 | |
Proceedings of the International Cartographical Association (ICA) | 2018- | |
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics  | 1998- 2009- |
Géographie physique et Quaternaire | 1977-2007 | |
Environnement urbain | 2008-2018 | |
Journal of Flood Risk Management (Wiley) | 2008- | |
Earth's Future (Wiley) | 2013- | |
Geo: Geography and Environment (Wiley) | 2014- | |
IDS Practice Papers (Wiley) | 2009-2012 | |
IDS Working Papers (Wiley) | 2009-2014 | |
Atmospheric Science Letters (Wiley) | 2000- | |
The Depositional Record (Wiley) | 2015- | |
Earth and Space Science (Wiley) | 2014- | |
Geofluids (Wiley) | 2001- | |
Geohealth (Wiley) | 2017- | |
Geoscience Data Journal (Wiley) | 2014- | |
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (Wiley) | 2009- | |
Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education (Wiley) | 2004- | |
Limnology and Oceanography e-Lectures (Wiley) | 2009-2018 | |
Limnology and Oceanography Letters (Wiley) | 2016- | |
Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments (Wiley) | 2011-2014 | |
Space Weather (Wiley) | 2003- | |
Space Weather Quarterly (Wiley) | 2003-2019 | |
Tellus (Wiley) | 1949-1982 | |
Magyar Gazdaságföldrajzi és Településmarketing Műhely | 2022- | |
Problems of Geography = Problemi na Geografiâta | 1951- | |
Earth Stewardship | 2024- |
Links updated: 23. 04. 2024