Staff members - Tamás Egedy
Tamás Egedy
senior research fellow

Metropolitan and Urbanisation Research Group
+ (36 1) 309 2600 /1460 ext.
egedy.tamas csfk.org
Research fields:
Urban geography, urban regeneration, built and social environments of urban neighbourhoods, high-rise housing estates, creative economy
in Hungary and Budapest
Scientific degree:
Doctor of Science 2022
Dr. habil. ELTE 2010
PhD. ELTE 2002
MSc. Geography and Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 1995
Membership in scientific bodies:
2002- Member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2014- MTA X. Section of Earth Sciences - Member of the Scientific Committee on Social Geography
2021- Non-academic member of MTA X. SectionEarth Sciences
2021- Non-academic member of the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (with voting rights)
Membership in associations:
Member of the Hungarian Geographical Society, 2002-
Teaching activities:
Associate professor at the Budapest Business University
Editing activities:
2006- Editor-in-charge of the journal Geographical Review
2014- Editor of the journal Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (Q1)
Professional CV:
Personal homepage:
Tamás Egedy - selected publications
Egedy T, Szabó B, Antypenko H, Benkő M. 2022 Planning and architecture as determining influences on the housing market : Budapest–Csepel’s post-war housing estates. URBAN PLANNING 7: (4) pp. 325-338.
Egedy T, Ságvári B. 2021 Urban geographical patterns of the relationship between mobile communication, social networks and economic development – the case of Hungary. HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) 70: (2) pp. 129-148.
Egedy T. 2021 A kreatív gazdaság városföldrajza : a budapesti agglomeráció példáján. Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont.
Egedy T. 2021 A kelet-közép-európai városrégiók átalakulása a posztfordi korban – elméleti alapok. FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 145: (4) pp. 354-368.
Benkő M, Bene B, Pirity Á, Szabó Á, Egedy T. 2021 Real vs. virtual city: planning issues in a discontinuous urban area in Budapest’s inner city. URBAN PLANNING 6: (4) pp. 150-163.
Kovács Z, Farkas J ZS, Egedy T, Kondor A Cs, Szabó B, Lennert J, Baka D, Kohán B. 2019 Urban sprawl and land conversion in post-socialist cities: The case of metropolitan Budapest. CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING 92: pp. 71-81.
Smith M K, Egedy T, Csizmady A, Jancsik A, Olt G, Michalkó G 2018 Non-planning and tourism consumption in Budapest’s inner city. TOURISM GEOGRAPHIES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM SPACE PLACE AND ENVIRONMENT 20: (3) pp. 524-548.
Egedy T. 2012 The effects of global economic crisis in Hungary. HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) 61: (2) pp. 155-173.
Egedy T. 2000 The situation of high-rise housing estates in Hungary. In: Kovács, Z (szerk.) Hungary towards the 21st century - the human geography of transition, Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2000) pp. 169-185.
Tamás Egedy - projects
International research projects
Vergleichende Analyse der Stadtentwicklung in Budapest und Leipzig im Prozess der Transformation (A comparative study of the urban development of Budapest and Leipzig in the light of the regime change)
Funded by: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Hungarian Scholarship Committee (MÖB)
Responsibilities: member of research team
Neighbourhood Housing Models (NEHOM) – Evaluating housing and neighbourhood initiatives to improve the quality of life of deprived urban neighbourhoods and assessing their their transferability across Europe
Funded by: the 5th Framework Programme of the European Union
Responsibilities: member of the research team
Greenkeys – Urban Green as a key for sustainable cities
Funded by: the European Union Interreg CADSES IIIB programme (research co-funded by VÁTI)
Responsibilities: member of the research team
Accommodating Creative Knowledge – Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions within the Enlarged Union (ACRE)
Funded by: the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union
Responsibilities: research coordination as project manager.
4Cities Unica Euromaster in Urban Studies – Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen, Madrid
Responsibilities: project manager of the international programme in Hungary
Non-agricultural and non-tourism economic industries in rural peripheries of the Visegrad countries
Funded by: Visegrad Fund
Responsibilities: : project management together with Prof. Dr. Zoltán Kovács