Staff members - Ágnes Erőss
Ágnes Erőss

Research Group on Ethnic and Political Geography
Spatial Mobility Research Group
Metropolitan and Urbanisation Research Group
+ (36 1) 309 2600 /1453 ext.
eross.agnes csfk.org
Research topics
urban geography, ethnic geography, political geography, migration
Her main research interest covers the representations and interpretations of places and spaces in different historical periods, political regimes, and in culturally and geographically diverse settings. Especially interested in borderland areas and the dynamics of boundary making and identification procedures.
Her research interests cover the spatial representation of national and ethnic symbols, memory and politics of commemoration, with special regard to the symbolic politics and space appropriation strategies in contested (urban) settings and geopolitical conflict zones.
Her post-doctoral research tackles the politics of tangible and intangible heritage and its (non)representation in urban and tourism development in culturally diverse urban settings.
She has been studying migration processes in Central Eastern Europe, focusing on the effect of kin-state politics on migratory processes, family and individual strategies and local communities.
2018 - PhD, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE, Budapest), Geosciences Doctorate School
2004 - MA Historian, History teacher, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE BTK, Budapest)
2007 - MSc Geography teacher, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, (ELTE TTK, Budapest)
Grants and fellowships
01/09/2023 – 30/08/2026 Bolyai postdoctoral research grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
01/10/2020 – 31/12/2020 Tempus-NAWA, Poland-Hungary Bilateral State Scholarship - Visiting research fellow, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
04/01/2020-15/03/2020 Scholarship of the Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia - Visiting research fellow at the Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia
5/10/2018- 15/08/2019 International Visegrad Fund Scholarship - Visiting Researcher, Centre for Migration Research, University of Warsaw
01/09/2011 – 31/08/2014 Young research fellow grant of the Hungarian Academy of Science - Junior research fellow at the Geographical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
15/10/2011-15/09/2012 International Visegrad Fund Post-master scholarship - Visiting researcher, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Prizes, awards
2020 Jury’s Grand Prize, Károly Kós Ethnography Film Festival with the film ‘Lenin was not needed anymore’
2020 Special award of the Jury, Festival of Hungarian short films, with the film ‘We were born as Hungarians’
2014 Pro Geographia, award of the Hungarian Geographical Society
Publicly-engaged visual research, films
Project leader, lecturer, co-organizer:
Spotlight Summer School on documentary filmmaking in social sciences
The one-week Spotlight provides theoretical and practical training for 12 students from Europe working in groups in different cities in CEE
Co-director and project leader:
Those who stay. Documentary film. Granted by Hungarian Academy of Arts, 2021. The film (in post-production) explores the life of different generations of women who live in Western Ukraine while their male family members (husband, son, father, grandson) work in Western Europe.Lenin was not needed anymore. Documentary film. Granted by Hungarian Academy of Arts, 2019. Received the Jury’s Prize in the Károly Kós Ethnography Film Festival 2020.
Születtünk mint magyarok/We were born as Hungarians. Short film, 2020. Received the Special award of the Jury at the Festival of Hungarian short films in 2020.Professional service
2021 – Member of the editorial board, Border and Regional Studies
2020 – Member of the editorial board, Tér és Társadalom (Space and Society)
2009 – 2017 Secretary of the Hungarian Geographical Society
Referee for journals
Journal of Historical Geography (1), International Journl of Heritage Studies (1), Journal of Urban Design (1), Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (3), Central Eastern European Migration Review (2), Miscellanea Geographica (1), Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (1), Intersections (1), Tér és Társadalom/Space and Society (2)
2021 – Member of the IGU-ICA Joint Commission on Toponymy
2019 – Member of public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2011 – Member of the American Association of Geographers
2008 – Member of the Hungarian Geographical Society
Language skills
Hungarian (mother tongue), English (C1), Italian (A2)
Ágnes Erőss - Selected publications

Articles in peer-reviewed journals (selected)
Kovály, K., Erőss, Á. (2023): Miért maradtak? A siker szubjektív megélése az Egyesült Királyságban élő magyarok körében. REGIO: KISEBBSÉG KULTÚRA POLITIKA TÁRSADALOM 31 (3): 44-66.
Bedyńsky, W., Pecníková, J., Strnádová, P., Čada, K., Erőss, Á., Kovály, K. (2023): The impact of Brexit on migration from the V4 countries to the UK: migrant strategies: report of qualitative research 2019-2023. Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research, Working paper series.
Erőss Á. (2022): Landscape in transition in the shadow of 2022 Russia’s invasion in Ukraine – notes from Hungary. BORDER AND REGIONAL STUDIES 10 (1): 71-86.
Erőss, Á., Holányi, Á., Tátrai, P. (2022): Toponymic politics and the role of heritagisation in multiethnic cities in Romania. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES 28 (6): 763-777.
Erőss Á. (2022): The symbolic landscape of an illiberal regime: glorifying the interwar era in post-2010 Budapest. TEMPO (BRAZIL) 28 (3): 361-381.
Balizs, D., & Erőss, Á. (2021): A kulturális sokszínűség nyomai a budapesti Népszínház utca nyelvi tájképében. ALKALMAZOTT NYELVTUDOMÁNY, 21(2), 1–20.
Erőss, Á., Kovály, K., & Tátrai, P. (2021): Ethnic categorization practices and boundary (re)making in a multiethnic borderland of Ukraine. BORDER AND REGIONAL STUDIES, 9(4), 173–198.
Erőss, Á., Váradi, M. M., & Wastl-Walter, D. (2020): Cross-border migration and gender boundaries in Central Eastern Europe – female perspectives. MIGRATION LETTERS, 17(4), 499–509.
Erőss Á. (2020): Akik maradtak: pillanatfelvétel az otthon maradt közösségekről a kárpátaljai magyar szórványban / Those who remain: Snapshot from the immobile communities in the Transcarpathia Hungarian diaspora. REGIO: KISEBBSÉG KULTÚRA POLITIKA TÁRSADALOM, 28(1), 138–170.
Tátrai, P., Erőss, Á., & Kovály, K. (2020): „A görögök magyar nyelvű ukránok.” Az etnikai identifikáció és kategorizáció változó mintázatai a kárpátaljai magyar szórványban. REGIO: KISEBBSÉG KULTÚRA POLITIKA TÁRSADALOM, 28(1), 106–137.
Erőss Á. (2019): Beregszász szimbolikus tereinek átalakulása a rendszerváltás éveiben /Changing symbolic landscape of Berehove in the years of regime change. NÉPRAJZI LÁTÓHATÁR: A GYÖRFFY ISTVÁN NÉPRAJZI EGYESÜLET FOLYÓIRATA, 28(1–2), 64–90.
Erőss Á. (2018): Living memorial and frozen monuments: the role of social practice in memorial sites. URBAN DEVELOPMENT ISSUES, 55(3), 19–32.
Tátrai, P., Molnár, J., Kovály, K., & Erőss, Á. (2018). Changes in the number of Hungarians in Transcarpathia Based on the survey "SUMMA 2017". HUNGARIAN JOURNAL OF MINORITY STUDIES, 2, 103–135.
Erőss Á, Kovály K (2018): A szimbolikus tér átalakulása az Euromajdan után: Kijev és Kárpátalja összehasonlítása. METSZETEK 7(1), pp. 142–164.
Erőss Á. (2017): Politics of street names and the reinvention of local heritage in the contested urban space of Oradea. HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN, 66(4), 353–367.
Kovály, K., Erőss, Á., & Tátrai, P. (2017): „Hát megpróbálunk küzdeni”: átalakuló boldogulási stratégiák Kárpátalján az Euromajdan után/“So we try to thrive”: changing life strategies in Transcarpathia following the Euromaidan. TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM, 31(2), 3–22.
Tátrai, P., Erőss, Á., & Kovály, K. (2017): . Kin-state politics stirred by a geopolitical conflict: Hungary’s growing activity in post-Euromaidan Transcarpathia, Ukraine. HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-), 66(3), 203–218.
Erőss Á. (2016): "In memory of victims": Monument and counter-monument in Liberty Square, Budapest. HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN, 65 (3), 237-254.
Erőss, Á., & Tátrai, P. (2016): When reality meets power-rhetoric. Power, mapping and practice in contested spaces: the case of Cyprus and Karabakh. DOCUMENTI GEOGRAFICI, 2016(1), 1–30.
Chapters in monographies
Erőss Á. (2023): Hungary’s kin-state politics activism in Central and Eastern Europe since 2010. In: Mazurkiewicz, M; Haas, A; Wieczorka, R (eds.): Obywatelstwo, tożsamość, wielokulturowość Śląskie doświadczenia ochrony praw mniejszości narodowych. Opole, Instytut Slaski: 232-251.
Wastl-Walter, D., Erőss, Á., & Váradi, M. M. (2022): Challenging Instability: Women’s Multigenerational Narratives of Work in the Margins of Central and Eastern Europe. In: Bridging Worlds – Building Feminist Geographies (pp. 145–156).
Erőss, Á., Ferenc, V., Kovály, K., Orosz, S., & Tátrai, P. (2020): Helyzetkép a kárpátaljai magyar szórványról. . In: Ferenc, V; Kovály, K (szerk.): Kárpátalja mozgásban: társadalmi változások és interetnikus viszonyok az Euromajdan után. Budapest, Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt. (pp. 89–133).
Karácsonyi, D., Erőss, Á., Tátrai, P., Kovály, K., & Pidhrusniy, H. (2019): Demográfiai folyamatok és erőforrások Ukrajnában a geopolitikai törésvonalak tükrében. In: Fedinec, Csilla (szerk.) "Kijevi csirke" : (Geo)politika a mai Ukrajnában. Budapest, Magyarország : MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont, Kalligram Kiadó (2019) pp. 136-157.
Erőss, Á., Kovály, K., & Tátrai, P. (2018): The impact of Ukraine’s crisis on migratory flows and Hungary’s kin-state politics. In: Wintzer, J; Filep, B (szerk.) Geographie als Grenzüberschreitung: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Doris Wastl-Walter. Bern: Geographische Gesellschaft Uni Bern pp. 125-137.
Tátrai,P. , Erőss, Á. (2016): Toponymic silence in contested geographical spaces: The neglect of place-name changes in Cyprus and in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Jordan, P; Woodman, P (szerk.) symposium in Rome, 17-18 November 2014 Hamburg,Verlag Dr Kovac. pp. 385-401.
Erőss Á. (2014): Contested spaces. Ethnic visibility in the city of Oradea. In: Calcatinge, A. (ed..) Critical spaces: contemporary perspectives in urban, spatial and landscape studies. Münster, LIT Verlag, (2014) pp. 69-87.
Erőss Á. (2014): Introduction. In: Erőss, Á; Karácsonyi, D (eds.) Discovering migration between Visegrad countries and Eastern Partners. Budapest, Magyarország: MTA RCAES Geographical Institute, 7-10.
Soltész, B ; Erőss, Á ; Karácsonyi, D ; Kincses, Á. (2014): . Hungary: cross border migration in a fragmented ethnic space. In: Erőss, Á; Karácsonyi, D (szerk.) Discovering migration between Visegrad countries and Eastern Partners. Budapest, Magyarország : MTA RCAES Geographical Institute (2014) 233 p. pp. 72-87.
Erőss, Á., Filep, B., Kocsis, K., Tátrai, P. (2011): On linkages and barriers: the dynamics of neighbourhood along the state borders of Hungary since EU enlargement. In: Armbruster, H; Meinhof, U H (szerk.) Negotiating multicultural Europe: borders, networks, neighbourhoods. Houndmills in Basingstoke, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia : Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-93.
Wastl-Walter, D., Cvetanović, M., Erőss, Á., Filep, B., Gábrity, E., Gábrity-Molnár, I., Kicošev, S., Kocsis, K., Nagy, I., Rácz, K et al. (2011): Transnationale Migration und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität als Einflussgrößen der Regionalentwicklung im ungarisch-serbischen Grenzraum. In: Janschitz, S; Lieb, GK (szerk.) Graz, Karl-Franzens-Univesität Graz, Institut für Geographie, 247-262.
Ágnes Erőss - projects (selected list)
As PI/team leader/co-ordinator
(Pre)retirement migration and its potential development impacts in rural Hungary (2021-2024)
- PI, project co-ordinator
- Granted by: National Research, Development and Innovation Centre, Hungary (K139127)
Spotlight Summer School co-financing (2022)
- Project leader
- Granted by: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
The impact of Brexit on migration from V4 countries: migrant strategies (2019-2023). Co-ordinator: Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
- Leader of the Hungarian research team, researcher
- Granted by: International Visegrad Fund, Strategic Grant
Cross-border cooperation at the time of crisis on neighbor's soil (2015-2016). Co-ordinator: CMR UW
- Leader of the Hungarian research team, researcher
- Granted by: International Visegrad Fund, Standard Grant
Migration between Eastern Partners (Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova) and the Visegrad Countries (EASTMIG) (2012-2014). Co-ordinator: IRM, Kraków
- Project co-ordinator, researcher
- Granted by: International Visegrad Fund, V4Eastern Partnership Program, Flagship Project
Housing estates after Socialism (HEAS) 2012-2013 (2012-2014)
- Project co-ordinator, reseracher
- Granted by: International Visegrad Fund Small Grant
Integrating (trans)national migrants in transition states (TRANSMIG) (2010-2012)
- researcher and project manager
- Granted by: Swiss National Science Foundation
Searching for Neighbours (SeFoNe): Dynamics of Physical and Mental Borders in the New Europe (2007-2010)
- Researcher and project manager
- Granted by: EU FP6
- New aspects of urban transformation in Lithuania and Hungary. Granted by Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Period: 2023 - 2025
- "Economic, social and environmental urban disparities in Romania and Hungary". Granted by: Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Romanian Academy of Sciences, project-based Personnel Exchange Program, coordinator. Period: 2023–2025
- "Migration trends and geopolitical challenges in Ukraine and Hungary", Hungarian Academy of Sciences and National and The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Project-based Personnel Exchange Program. Period: 2019-2022
- "Cross-border cooperation at the time of crisis on neighbor's soil", International Visegrad Fund, Standard Grant. Member of consortium, leader of the Hungarian team. Period: 2015-2016