Staff members - Fruzsina Gresina
Fruzsina Gresina
Junior Research Fellow

Research Group on Quaternary and Landscape Evolution Processes
Research Group for Physical Geography
SEDILAB - Laboratory for Sediment and Soil Analysis
gresina.fruzsina csfk.org
Research topics
Granulometric assessment of sediment transport processes
Distinguishing between different geomorphological environments using granulometric data
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on granulometric proxy
Granulometric analysis of dust deposition events
Application of new methodological approaches for the analysis of bioaerosol and microplastic content of sediments
2019-2023 - PhD student, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, ELTE Faculty of Science
2017-2019 - MSc in Geography, ELTE Faculty of Science
2013-2017 - BSc in Geography, ELTE Faculty of Science
Scholarships, awards
2022/2023 - Doctoral Scholarship in the New National Excellence Programme
2019/2020 - Doctoral Scholarship in the New National Excellence Programme
2019 - Student Excellence Award, Eötvös-day, ELTE Faculty of Science
2019 - National Council of Student's Research Societies, Applications in Earth Sciences sub-section - 2nd
2018 - National Council of Student’s Environmental Science Societies, Earth Sciences section - 2nd
Fruzsina Gresina- selected publications
Varga, Gy., Gresina, F., Szeberényi, J., Gelencsér, A., Rostási, Á. (2024) Effect of Saharan dust episodes on the accuracy of photovoltaic energy production forecast in Hungary (Central Europe). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 193, 114289
Gresina, F., Beáta Farkas, B., Fábián, SzÁ., Szalai, Z., Varga, Gy. (2023) Morphological analysis of mineral grains from different sedimentary environments using automated static image analysis. Sedimentary Geology, 455, 106479
Varga, Gy., Meinander, O., Rostási, Á., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Csávics, A., Gresina, F. (2023) Saharan, Aral-Caspian and Middle East dust travels to Finland (1980-2022) Environment International, 108243.
Varga, Gy., Rostási, Á., Meiramova, A., Dagsson-Waldhauserová, P., Gresina, F. (2023) Increasing frequency and changing nature of Saharan dust storm events in the Carpathian Basin (2019–2023)–the new normal? Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 72(4), 319-337.
Rostási, Á., Topa, B.A., Gresina, F., Weiszburg, T.G., Gelencsér, A., Varga, Gy. (2022). Saharan dust deposition in Central Europe in 2016 : a representative year of the increased North African dust removal over the last decade Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 869902.
Varga, Gy., Dagsson-Waldhauserová, P., Gresina, F., Helgadottir, A. (2021) Saharan dust and giant quartz particle transport towards Iceland. Scientific Reports, 11, 11891
Gresina F. (2020). Comparison of pipette method and state of the art analytical techniques to determine granulometric properties of sediments and soils. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 69(1), 27-39.
Varga, Gy., Gresina, F., Újvári, G., Kovács, J., Szalai, Z. (2019). On the reliability and comparability of laser diffraction grain size measurements of paleosols in loess records. Sedimentary Geology, 389, 42-53.
Fruzsina Gresina - projects
POST-COVID2021-29/ Atmospheric environmental changes in response to COVID sanctions in different geographical regions of Eurasia (2022-2024) – co-researcher
RRF-2.3.1-21-2021/ National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change 2022-2026, ELTE TTK – student researcher (2022-2023), junior research fellow (2023-)
NKFIH FK138692/Giant Saharan dust in Europe: changing climate or uncertain analysis? (2021-2025) – co-researcher
NKFIH KH130337/Granulometric analysis of rescent Saharan dust (2018-2021) – student researcher (2020-2021)