
Staff members - Gergely Jakab

Gergely Jakab

senior research fellow

MTA ID: 10028542

Research Group for Physical Geography

 + (36 1) 309 2600 /1478 ext.

Research topics:
soil erosion, erosion modelling, soil organic matter, soil physics, rainfall simulation

Scientific degree:
PhD 2009 (ELTE)
Habil. Geosciences 2017 (ELTE)

MSc. Agricultural engineer - Pannon University, Keszthely 1997

Membership in Hungarian and in international scientific organisations, societies:
European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC)
International Atomic Energy Agency
Hungarian Soil Sience Society
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Member of the OTKA GEOEXT jury
Secretary of the Physical Geography Committee at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Editorial board membership:
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (Q1)
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (Q1)

2003. COST STSM Fellowship: Institute for Soil Genesis and Ecology, Florence, Italy
Bolyai János Research Fellowship, 2015-2018

Teaching activities:
Honorary associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography

  • ELTE Doctoral School of Earth Sciences (Supervisor)
  • ELTE Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences (Supervisor)
  • MATE Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences (Supervisor)
  • Two graduated and three ongoing Ph.D students
Hungarian Doctoral Council - Personal data sheet

Gergely Jakab - selected publications

Jakab G, Madarász B, Masoudi M, Karlik M, Király Cs, Zacháry D, Filep T, Dekemati I, Centeri Cs, Al-Graiti T, Szalai Z: Soil organic matter gain by reduced tillage intensity : storage, pools, and chemical composition. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH 226: 105584 (2023) DOI

Szatmári G, Pásztor L, Laborczi A, Illés G, Bakacsi Zs, Zacháry D, Filep T, Szalai Z, Jakab G: Countrywide mapping and assessment of organic carbon saturation in the topsoil using machine learning-based pedotransfer function with uncertainty propagation. CATENA 227: 107086 DOI

Jakab G, Vancsik A, Filep T, Madarász B, Zacháry D, Ringer M, Ujházy N, Szalai Z: Soil organic matter characterisation using alkali and water extraction, and its relation to soil properties. GEODERMA REGIONAL 28: e00469 DOI

Madarász B, Jakab G, Szalai Z, Juhos K, Kotroczó Zs, Tóth A, Ladányi M: Long-term effects of conservation tillage on soil erosion in Central Europe: A random forest-based approach. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH 209: 104959 DOI

Kondor A Cs, Jakab G, Vancsik A, Filep T, Szeberényi J, Szabó L, Maász G, Ferincz Á, Dobosy P, Szalai Z: Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the Danube and drinking water wells : efficiency of riverbank filtration. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 265: 114893 DOI

Jakab G, Hegyi I, Fullen M, Szabó J, Zacháry D, Szalai Z: A 300-year record of sedimentation in a small tilled catena in Hungary based on δ 13 C, δ 15 N, and C/N distribution. JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 18: (4) pp. 1767-1779. DOI

Jakab G, Madarász B, Szabó J A, Tóth A, Zacháry D, Szalai Z, Kertész Á, Dyson J: Infiltration and soil loss changes during the growing season under ploughing and conservation tillage. SUSTAINABILITY 9: (10) 1726 DOI

Szalai Z, Kiss K, Jakab G, Sipos P, Belucz B, Németh T: The use of UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy to identify iron minerals. ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 334: (9) pp. 940-943. DOI

Kertész Á, Jakab G: Gully erosion in Hungary, review and case study. PROCEDIA - SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 19: pp. 693-701. DOI

Borselli L, Torri D, Øygarden L, De Alba S, Martínez-Casasnovas J A, Bazzoffi P, Jakab G: Land levelling. In: Boardman, J; Poesen, J (szerk.) Soil erosion in Europe, John Wiley & Sons (2006) pp. 643-658. DOI

Gergely Jakab - projects

  • The role of soil organic matter stability in the adsorption and desorption of pharmaceutically active compounds – with a focus on environmental differences (142865) 2022-2026

  • Stabilization mechanisms of soil organic matter pools in calcareous and acid soils (142936) 2022-2026

  • Effect of cover crop on soil aggregation, erosion and carbon storage (143005) 2022-2026

  • Complex interpretation of grain size and particle shape analysis of paleosols (128230) 2018-2025

  • Impact of spatial allocation of soil water and soil organic carbon on greenhouse gas emission in a small catchment (131792) 2019-2025

  • 2019-2.14-ERA-NET-2022-00037; SIC-SOC-DYN; (2022-2024) Project description

  • The temperature sensitivity of the decomposition of physical fractions of organic matter of soils with different vegetation coverage (132191) 2019-2024

  • NVKP_16_1-2016-0003: Risks of some endocrine disruptors and developments for risk mitigation in Budapest Metropolitan Region, 2016-2019,

  • Analysis of the natural micro-regions of Hungary from the aspect of their sensitivity to landscape degradation (108755) 2014-2018

  • Consortional main: Effects of wetland mosaics on spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of iron budget (100180) 2012-2017

  • Spatial variability of eroded and deposited soil organic carbon (100929) 2012-2015

  • Ensuring the safe construction of radioactive waste disposal facilities using rainfall simulation - International Atomic Energy Agency 2012-2014, International Expert - three expert missions

  • The role of gully erosion in the present-day relief development of Hungary (76434) 2009-2013

  • The role of gully erosion in the present-day relief development of Hungary (91051) 2009-2012

  • COST Action 634 (2005 - 2008) 'On- and Off-site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion'

  • BORASSUS The Environmental and Socio-economic Contribution of Palm Geotextiles to Sustainable Development and Soil Conservation. EU FP6 INCO-CT-2005-510745. (2005-2008)

  • Role of the abiotic factors in the influence of available trace element content (regarding riparian ecotops) (38122) 2002-2006

  • Comparative study of relationships between environmental factors and gully erosion in Hungary and in South Africa and its control (DAK-8/2002), 2003-2005

  • COST Action 623 (1997 - 2003) Soil Erosion and Global Change

  • Erodibility measurements in the Balaton catchment using rainfall simulator (1996-1999)