
Staff members - Zoltán Kovács

Zoltán Kovács

research professor

Urbanisation and Settlement Environment Research Group - head

 + (36 1) 309 2600 /1461 ext.

Research fields:
Urban geography, urbanisation, residential mobility, political geography

Scientific degree:
Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2016
DSc (Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 2003
habilitation 2000
CSc 1994

Teaching appointments:
Full professor and head of department, University of Szeged, Department of Economic and Social Geography, 2007-
Full professor, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Department of Economic and Social Geography, 2005-2007Associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Department of Economic and Social Geography, 1995-2005

Participation in national and international scientific life:
Member of Academia Europaea: 2010
Corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2016
President of EUGEO (European Society for Geography): 2017-
Member of the Scientific Commission on Social Geography of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2002-
Secretary of the Scientific Commission on Social Geography of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2002-2008
President of the Scientific Commission on Social Geography of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2008-2014
Member of the Doctorate Commission of the Section of Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2011-
Member of the Scientific Commission on Town Planning of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2003-2011
Representative of doctors of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: 2007-2013
Member of the Hungarian Geographical Society: 1984-
Member of the Board of Hungarian Geographical Society: 2001-
Secretary General of the Hungarian Geographical Society: 2005-2009
Vice President of the Hungarian Geographical Society: 2009-2017
President of the IGU (International Geographical Union) Hungarian National Committee : 2009-
Honorary member of Polish Geographical Society: 2018

Editor in chief of Hungarian Geographical Bulletin: 2014-
Editor in chief of Földrajzi Közlemények (Geographical Review): 2005-2009
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Földrajzi Közlemények (Geographical Review): 2009-
Member of the Editorial Board of Tér és Társadalom (Space and Society): 2011-2020
Member of the Editorial Board of Területi Statisztika (Regional Statistics): 2012-
Member of the Editorial Board of Europa Regional (Leipzig): 2001-
Member of the Editorial Board of Human Geographies (Bucharest) : 2012-
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Housing and Built Environment: 2006-
Member of the Editorial Board of Geograficky Časopis: 2014-
Member of the Editorial Board of Modern Geográfia: 2016-

Zoltan Kovács - selected publications

Kovács Z, Harangozó G, Szigeti C, Koppány K, Kondor A C, Szabó B: Measuring the impacts of suburbanization with ecological footprint calculations, CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING 101: Paper 102715 (2020)

Kubeš J, Kovács Z: The kaleidoscope of gentrification in post-socialist cities , URBAN STUDIES 57: (13) pp. 2591-2611. (2020)

Kovács Z, Farkas J Zs, Egedy T, Kondor A Cs, Szabó B, Lennert J, Baka D, Kohán B: Urban sprawl and land conversion in post-socialist cities: The case of metropolitan Budapest, CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING 92: pp. 71-81. (2019)

Egedy T, Kovács Z, Kondor A C: Metropolitan region building and territorial development in Budapest: the role of national policies, INTERNATIONAL PLANNING STUDIES 22: (1) pp. 14-29. (2017)

Marcińczak S,Tammaru T, Novák J, Gentile M, Kovács Z, Temelová J, Valatka V, Kährik A & Szabó B: Patterns of Socioeconomic Segregation in the Capital Cities of Fast-Track Reforming Postsocialist Countries, ANNALS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS 105: (1) pp. 183-202. (2015)

Kovács Z, Wiessner R, Zischner R: Urban Renewal in the Inner City of Budapest, URBAN STUDIES 50: (1) pp. 22-38. (2013)

Kovács Z, Herfert G: Development Pathways of Large Housing Estates in Post-socialist Cities, HOUSING STUDIES 27: (3) pp. 324-342. (2012)

Bontje M, Musterd S, Kovács Z, Murie A: Pathways Toward European Creative-Knowledge City-Regions, URBAN GEOGRAPHY 32: (1) pp. 80-104. (2011)

Martin‐brelot H, Grossetti M, Eckert D, Gritsai O, Kovács, Z:The Spatial Mobility of the ‘Creative Class’: A European Perspective, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH 34. pp. 854-870. (2010)

Kovács Z: Social and economic transformation of historical neighbourhoods in Budapest, TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ECONOMISCHE EN SOCIALE GEOGRAFIE / JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY 100: (4) pp. 399-416. (2009)

Zoltán Kovács - projects

OTKA (National scientific research program) projects:

•  Magyarország régióinak politikai földrajzi arculata ( F 014452 ), 1994-1997 , OTKA
•  A nagyvárosi átalakulás főbb jellemzőinek vizsgálata Magyarországon ( T 025417 ), 1998-2001 , OTKA
•  Magyarország a 21. század felé: az átalakulás társadalomföldrajza [Hungary towards the 21st century: The human geography of transition] ( T 032204 ), 2000 , OTKA
•  A magyar lakáspiac átalakulásának földrajzi jellemzői [Geographical features of the transformation of housing market in Hungary] ( T042807 ), 2003-2006 , OTKA
•  A poszt-szocialista urbanizáció területi jellemzői Magyarországon [Spatial pattern of post-socialist urbanisation in Hungary] (K 105534), 2013-2015, OTKA
•  A fenntartható városfejlődés kihívásai Magyarországon [Challenges of sustainable urban development in Hungary] (K119710), 2016-2020, OTKA
•  Az erőforrás-hatékony és élhető városok fejlesztési lehetőségei Magyarországon [Opportunities for the development of resource efficient and liveable cities in Hungary] (K135546), 2020-2024, OTKA

International projects:

•  Der Wohnungsmarkt der Budapester Innenstadtrandgebiete im Wandel, 1993-1995, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
•  The Cultural and Economic Conditions of Decision-making for the Sustainable City (EV5V-CT92-0150), 1994-1995, EU PECO
•  The Social and Economic Consequences of Privatisation in Central and Eastern Europe (CIPA CT93-0082), 1994-1997, EU COPERNICUS
•  Vergleichende Analyse der Stadtentwicklung in Budapest und Leipzig im Prozeß der Transformation, 1998-1999, DAAD-MÖB
•  Räumliche Entwicklungstendenzen der Peripherie europäischer Großstädte, 1999-2001, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
•  Evaluating Housing and Neighbourhood Initiatives to Improve the Quality of Life in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods and Assessing the Transferability Across Europe (NEHOM) (EVK4-CT-2000-00027), 2000-2004, 5th Framework Programme
•  Development of Urban Green Spaces to Improve the Quality of Life in Cities and Urban Regions (URGE) (EVK4-CT-2000-00022) 2001-2004, 5th Framework Programme
•  An Analysis of Undeclared Work: An In-Depth Study of Specific Items, 2003, EU DG Employment and Social Affairs
•  Revitalisierung von gründerzeitlichen Altbauwohnquartieren in Budapest - Prozesse, Strategien, Perspektiven, 2005-2007, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
•  Urban Green as a Key for Sustainable Cities (GreenKeys), 2005-2008, INTERREG IIIB CADSES
•  Accommodating Creative Knowledge: competitiveness of European metropolitan regions within the enlarged Union (ACRE) (028270), 2006-2010, 6th Framework Programme
•  Zwischen Gentrification und Abwärtsspirale: Socio-spatial change and persistence in residential neighbourhoods of selected CEE urban regions, 2007-2010, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
•  Metropolisation and Polycentric Development in Central Europe: Evidence Based Strategic Options (POLYCE), 2010-2012, ESPON
• Regions benefitting from returning migrants (Re-Turn), 2011-2014, EU Central Europe Programme
• Regions benefitting from returning migrants (Re-Turn), Central Europe Progarmme, Project No. 3CE346P1 (2010-2013)
• Governing Urban Diversity: Creating Social Cohesion, Social Mobility and Economic Performance in Today's Hyper-diversified Cities (DIVERCITIES), 2013-2017, EU 7th Framework Programme