
Staff members - Gábor Michalkó

Gábor Michalkó

scientific advisor

Economic Geography and Spatial Development Research Group - head
National Atlas of Hungary Research Group

 + (36 1) 309 2683

Research topics:
Geography of tourism, urban tourism, shopping tourism, human ecology in tourism, health tourism and quality of life, tourism and migration, human geography

Scientific degree:  
Dsc. 2009  
habil. dr. 2006
PhD 1998

Economist (tourism and hotel industry), Budapest Business School, Budapest 2000
MSc. Geography and History, University of Kossuth Lajos, Debrecen 1993

Educational activity:
Professor of Tourism, University of Pannonia, Department of Tourism  

Membership and functions in Hungarian and in international scientific organisations, societies:  
- President, Scientific Board on Environmental Science, National Research Development and Innovation Office, 2022-
- Head of Doctoral School Business and Management, University of Pannonia
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Scientific Committee of Human Geography, member (since 2005)  
Hungarian Geographical Society, member (since 1995), Secretery general (since 2009-2013)  
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, member of editorial board (since 2010)
Földrajzi Közlemények, chief editor (since 2009-2013)  
Turizmus Bulletin, member of editorial board (since 2005)  
Acta Geographica Debrecina-Landscape and Environment, member of editorial board (since 2008)  
IGU Study Group on Global Change and Human Mobility, member (since 2003)    
Societa Geografica Italiana, member (since 2008)    
Central European Regional Policy and Human Geography member of editorial and advisory board (since 2011)

Gábor Michalkó - selected publications

Sebrek Sz Sz, Pérez Garrido B, Michalkó G: Why are unfavorable signs of overtourism ignored by urban politics? TOURISM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (2023) DOI

Michalkó G, Prorok M, Kondor A Cs, Ilyés N, Szabó T: Mobility patterns of satellite travellers based on mobile phone cellular data. HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) 72: (2) pp. 163-178. (2023) DOI

Michalkó G, Bal D, Erdélyi É: Repositioning Budapest’s tourism milieu for a post-Covid-19 period : visual content analysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH 32: 3204 (2022) DOI

Irimiás Anna, Mitev Ariel Zoltán, Michalkó Gábor: Narrative transportation and travel: The mediating role of escapism and immersion. TOURISM MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES 38: 100793 (2021) DOI

Irimiás A, Mitev A, Michalkó G: The multidimensional realities of mediatized places: the transformative role of tour guides. JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND CULTURAL CHANGE 19: (6) pp. 739-753. (2021) DOI

Zátori A, Michalkó G, T Nagy J, Kulcsár N, Balizs D: The tourist experience of domestic VFR travellers: the case of Hungary. CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM 22: (12) pp. 1437-1459. (2019) DOI

Michalkó G, Irimiás A, Timothy D: Disappointment in tourism: Perspectives on tourism destination management TOURISM MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES 16: pp. 85-91. (2015) DOI

Michalkó G, Rátz T, Hinek M, Tömöri M: Shopping tourism in Hungary during the period of the economic crisis. TOURISM ECONOMICS 20: (6) pp. 1319-1336. (2014) DOI

Rátz T, Smith M, Michalkó G: New places in old spaces: Mapping Tourism and Regeneration in Budapest. TOURISM GEOGRAPHIES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM SPACE PLACE AND ENVIRONMENT 10: (4) pp. 429-451. (2008) DOI

Michalkó G: Tourism eclipsed by crime. JOURNAL OF TRAVEL AND TOURISM MARKETING 15: (2-3) pp. 159-172. (2004) DOI

Gábor Michalkó - projects

•  1996-1999. Socialgeogrpahical aspects of tourism in Budapest (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

•  2000-2003. Regional differences of shopping tourism in Hungary (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

•  2004-2006. Geography of tourism in Hungary: modern approaching (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

•  2000-2003. The role of geography of tourism in the basing of tourism sciences (János Bolyai Researh Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

•  2007-2010. Health tourism and quality of life in Hungary (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

•  2006-2009. Spatial differences of tourism and quality of life in Hungary (János Bolyai Researh Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

•  2012-2016. Invisible tourism in Hungary: investigation of the social, economic and environmental aspects of unconventional tourism mobility (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)

•  2020-2025. Geographical Dimensions of Understanding the Notion of Good Place within the Context of Total Tourism (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund)