
Staff members - Zsombor Nemerkényi

Zsombor Nemerkényi

research fellow

Working Group on Cartography and Geoinformatics - Leader

 + (36 1) 309 2600 /2682 ext.

Research topics:
Applications of digital technologies in the analysis of the cartographical works
The development of geodetic and cartographic methods of the explorers in the 19th century

Scientific degree:  
PhD (Geosciences), ELTE 2009

MSc (Cartography), ELTE 1999

Educational activity:
ELTE Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics (pre-doctoral lecturer): 1999-2002
ELTE Európai Expanzió Program (invited lecturer): 2002-2004
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Geography
(field trips co-organizing): 2008-

Membership and functions in Hungarian and in international scientific organisations, societies:  
Hungarian Geographical Society, member: 2005-
The Globe for the Scientific Researches Foundation, member of board of trustees: 2009-
The Globe magazine assistant: 2000-2005; editorial staff: 2005-2006; deputy editor-in-chief: 2006-2016
Vice-President of the Hungarian Geographical Society: 2021-

Zsombor Nemerkényi - selected publications

Bartos-Elekes, Zs. - Nemerkényi Zs. 2012. László Magyar's Cartography of Angola and the Discovery of his 1858 Manuscript Map in the Cholnoky Collection in Romania. In: Liebenberg, E. - Demhardt, I. (eds.) History of Cartography - International Symposium of the ICA Commission. Springer-Verlag. Berlin-Heidelberg. pp. 233-248.

Nemerkényi Zs. - Bartos-Elekes Zs. 2012. Os Mapas de László Magyar. In: Rákóczi, I. - Riso, C. (eds.) Os Descobrimentos Portuguses a Mittel-Europa. Eötvös Kiadó. Budapest. pp. 75-82.

Nemerkényi Zs. - Bartos-Elekes Zs. 2010. László Magyar's Maps Drawn in South-Eastern Africa and ending up in Central Europe. International Symposium on the History of Cartography of the 19th and 20th centuries, University of Texas (Arlington) USA. CD-ROM.

Nemerkényi Zs. 2007. Magyar László megkerült régi-új kéziratos térképe. Geodézia és Kartográfia 8-9. pp. 52-55.

Nemerkényi Zs. 2005. The Discoveries and the Maps of László Magyar: A Comparison to the Reports of Contemporary Travelers. 21st International Conference on the History of Cartography. Budapest, 2005. p. 71.

Nemerkényi Zs. 2002. Magyar térképész az Afrika-kutatásban. Studia Cartologica 12. pp. 99-106.

Zsombor Nemerkényi - projects

•  Scentific evaluation for László Magyar's work based on cartographical, geographical and cultural anthropology analyses (Hungarian Scientific Research Fund 1999-2002. T025842)