
Staff members - Zoltán Szalai

Zoltán Szalai

senior research fellow, research group leader (Research Group for Physical Geography)
head of the Laboratory (SEDILAB)


Research Group for Physical Geography

 (+36) 30 192 3066

Geoecology, Environmental Earth Sciences (Environmental Geography)

Activities in Doctoral Schools
ELTE Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences: core member, head of the Environmental Geosciences Program

University of Debrecen: external member of the Faculty Doctoral Council (Faculty of Science and Informatics)

Hungarian Doctoral Council - Data sheet

University activities at ELTE
ELTE TTK Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences

Academic activities
2021-2023 Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) Dept. Earth Sciences; Scientific Committee of Physical Geography: secretary
2018-2020 National Scientific Found (OTKA) GEOEXT panel: panel chair
2017- Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) Dept. Earth Sciences; Scientific Committee of Physical Geography: member
2016-2018 National Scientific Found (OTKA) GEOEXT panel: member
2011- MTA Scientific subcommittee of Environmental Chemistry: member
2009- Hungarian Soil Science Society, member

Scientific degrees:
2001: PhD - Earth Sciences (ELTE)
2012: habilitated doctor- Earth Sciences (ELTE)

1995: biology and geography (ELTE)
1998: environmentalist (BME)

Zoltán Szalai - List of Publication, Scientometrics, Featured Publications

List of publications (MTMT)
Scientometrics (MTMT)
List of publications and Scientometrics by SCOPUS



Accelerated soil development due to seasonal water-saturation under hydric conditions. GEODERMA 401. Paper: 115328 DOI

Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in the Environment:

Pharmaceuticals in water and sediment of small streams under the pressure of urbanization: Concentrations, interactions, and risks. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 808. Paper: 152160 DOI

Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the Danube and drinking water wells : efficiency of riverbank filtration. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 265 Paper: 114893 DOI

Soil Organic Matter Research and Conservation Agriculture:

Soil organic matter gain by reduced tillage intensity : storage, pools, and chemical composition. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH 226 Paper: 105584 DOI

Chemical composition of labile carbon fractions in Hungarian forest soils: Insight into biogeochemical coupling between DOM and POM. GEODERMA 419 Paper: 115867 DOI

Long-term effects of conservation tillage on soil erosion in Central Europe: A random forest-based approach. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH 209 Paper: 104959 DOI

Kinetic parameters of soil organic matter decomposition in soils under forest in Hungary. GEODERMA REGIONAL 14 Paper: UNSP e00187 DOI

Redistribution of soil organic carbon triggered by erosion at field scale under subhumid climate, Hungary. PEDOSPHERE 26 : 5 pp. 652-665 DOI

The dissolved organic matter as a potential soil quality indicator in arable soils of Hungary. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 187 : 7 pp. 479-490. DOI

Extreme Environments

The thermal behavior of ice-bearing ground : the highest cold, dry desert on Earth as an analog for conditions on Mars, at Ojos del Salado, Puna de Atacama-Altiplano Region. ASTROBIOLOGY 20 : 6 pp. 701-722 DOI

Shallow ground temperature measurements on the highest volcano on Earth, Mt. Ojos del Salado, Arid Andes, Chile. PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES 30: 1 pp. 3-18. DOI

Fluvial or aeolian grains? Separation of transport agents on Mars using Earth analogue observations. PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE 163 pp. 56-76. DOI

Methodological Research

On the reliability and comparability of laser diffraction grain size measurements of paleosols in loess records. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 389 pp. 42-53. DOI

Effects of particle size on the attenuated total reflection spectrum of minerals. APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 71 : 6 pp. 1157-1168 DOI

The use of UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectroscopy to identify iron minerals. ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 334 : 9 pp. 940-943. DOI

Zoltán Szalai - projects

Principal investigator / leader /contact person in research projects

2012-2015: Effects of wetland mosaics on spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of iron budget. OTKA K100180. Principal investigator.

2002-2011: Soil erosion and rainwater infiltration monitoring of Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal facility (RWTDF), Püspökszilágy: project leader.

2009-2011: National Radioactive Waste Repository (NRWR) - Long term Environmental Monitoring Programme: monitoring of roadside enviromnent and freshwater sediments (module leader) - "Final disposal of low and intermediate radioactive wastes of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant" (project leader: Ferenc Schweitzer)

2006-2008. National Radioactive Waste Repository (NRWR) - Long term Environmental Monitoring Programme: Freshwater Eh, pH and EC monitoring of Hutai-patak (module leader) - "Final disposal of low and intermediate radioactive wastes of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant" (project leader: Ferenc Schweitzer)

2006-2007. TRACE ELEMENT: Effects of minimum tillage on trace element budget of soils. Funded by SYNGENTA UK. Principal investigator.

2003. Accumulation and remobilization of heavy metals in active floodplains (on the basis of representative study areas) "Research on Environment Protection and Nature Conservation" No:36-0200105_KAC. Principal investigator.

2002-2006. National Radioactive Waste Repository (NRWR) - Soil mapping (module leader) - "Final disposal of low and intermediate radioactive wastes of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant" (project leader: Ferenc Schweitzer)

2002-2005. Role of the abiotic factors in the influence of available trace element content (regarding riparian ecotops). OTKA T38122. Principal investigator.

1997-1999. Development of new methods for studying air pollution of settlements. OTKA F22892. Princ ipal investigator.

Key personnel in reseach projects

2016-2019 NVKP_16_1-2016-0003: Risks of some endocrine disruptors and developments for risk mitigation in Budapest Metropolitan Region (2016-2019),

2009-2012: The role of gully erosion in the present-day relief development of Hungary OTKA K 76434. (Project leader: Ádám Kertész).

2005-2008. BORASSUS The Environmental and Socio-economic Contribution of Palm Geotextiles to Sustainable Development and Soil Conservation. EU FP6 INCO-CT-2005-510745. (Project leader: Ádám Kertész).

1999-2000: HERODOT - Using the WEB in teaching Geography / Az internet használata a földrajzoktatásban. EU SOCRATES. (Project leader: Ádám Kertész).

1996-1999: MEDALUS III. (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use Project) EU FP IV. (Project leader: Ádám Kertész).