Staff members - Anna Vancsik
Anna Vancsik
Junior research fellow, PhD student

MTMT ID: 10063470
Research Group for Physical Geography
SEDILAB - Laboratory for Sediment and Soil Analysis
vancsik.anna csfk.org
Research topics:
Investigation of adsorption-desorption processes of antibiotics in soils, synthetic and bioadsorbents; batch and fixed-bed experiments; method development-UHPLC and HPLC; soil organic matter characterisation
M.Sc. Environmental Science (environmental analytical chemistry) (ELTE TTK)
B.Sc. Environmental Science (ELTE TTK)
The role of soil organic matter stability in the adsorption and desorption of pharmaceutically active compounds – with a focus on environmental differences. ID: OTKA K-142865
Developing cost-effective adsorbents and water filtration materials for hazardous pharmaceutical residues. ID: 2020- 1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00309
Low-cost bioadsorbents for removal of micropollutants from water: international cooperation between University of Minho (PT) and Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences. ID: 2021-1.2.4-TÉT-2021-00029
Development of a biosorbent-based water treatment technology. ID: ELKH-PoC-2023-008
Developing a cost-effective filter load for effective and targeted removal of antibiotics from treated wastewater. Cooperative Doctoral Program, PhD Student Scholarship. Identifier: KDP2020-1015196
Completed project:
Risks of some endocrine disruptors and developments for risk mitigation in Budapest Metropolitan Region. ID: NVKP_16-1-2016-0003
ELTE, Department of Environmental and Landscape Geography - Chemistry and Physics in Geography (practical)
ELTE TTK, Department of Environment and Geography - Soil Science (practical)
ELTE TTK, Department of Environment and Geography - Soil Geography (practical)