
Staff members - György Varga

György Varga

senior research fellow

Research Group on Quaternary and Landscape Evolution Processes - head

 + (36 1) 309 2600 /1480 ext.

Research topics:
Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions based on aeolian dust deposits; complex analyses of recent and past dust storms, dust episodes

PhD in Earth sciences - University of Pécs (2012)

Membership in Hungarian scientific organisations, societies:
Hungarian Geographical Society
Hungarian Meteorological Society
American Geophysical Union
International Society for Aeolian Research
Hungarian Aerosol Society

Personal homepage:

György Varga - selected publications

Varga, Gy., Gresina, F., Szeberényi, J., Gelencsér, A., Rostási, Á. (2024) Effect of Saharan dust episodes on the accuracy of photovoltaic energy production forecast in Hungary (Central Europe) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 193. 114289 DOI

Varga, Gy., Rostási, Á., Meiramova, A., Dagsson-Waldhauserová, P., & Gresina, F. (2023) Increasing frequency and changing nature of Saharan dust storm events in the Carpathian Basin (2019–2023)–the new normal? Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 72(4), 319-337 DOI

Varga, Gy; Meinander, O.; Rostási, Á.; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P.; Csávics, A ; Gresina, F. (2023)Saharan, Aral-Caspian and Middle East dust travels to Finland (1980-2022). Environment International Paper: 108243 DOI

Varga, Gy., Dagsson-Waldhauserová; P., Gresina, F., Helgadottir, A. (2021) Saharan dust and giant quartz particle transport towards Iceland. Scientific Reports 11. 11891 DOI

Varga, Gy. (2020). Changing nature of Saharan dust deposition in the Carpathian Basin (Central Europe): 40 years of identified North African dust events (1979–2018). Environment International 139. 105712 DOI

Varga, Gy., Újvári, G., Kovács, J. (2019). Interpretation of sedimentary (sub)populations extracted from grain size distributions of Central European loess-paleosol series. Quaternary International 502, pp. 60-70. DOI

Varga, Gy., Kovács, J., Szalai, Z., Cserháti, Cs., Újvári, G., (2018). Granulometric characterization of paleosols in loess series by automated static image analysis. Sedimentary Geology 370, pp. 1-14. DOI

Újvári, G., Stevens, T., Molnár, M., Demény, A., Fabrice, L., Varga, Gy., Jull, A.J.T., Páll-Gergely, B., Buylaert, J.P., Kovács, J. (2017). Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(50), pp. E10632-E10638 DOI

Varga, Gy, Cserháti, Cs., Kovács, J., Szalai, Z. (2016). Saharan dust deposition in the Carpathian Basin and its possible effects on interglacial soil formation. Aeolian Research 22. pp. 1-12. DOI

Újvári, G., Kok, J.F., Varga, Gy., Kovács, J. (2016). The physics of wind-blown loess: Implications for grain size proxy interpretations in Quaternary paleoclimate studies. Earth-Science Reviews 154. pp. 247-278. DOI

György Varga - projects

  • POST-COVID2021-29 – project leader: Atmospheric environmental changes in response to COVID sanctions in different geographical regions of Eurasia

  • FK138692 – project leader: Giant Saharan dust in Europe: changing climate or uncertain analyses?

  • KH130337 – project leader: Granulometric analysis of recent Saharan dust

  • NKFI 120620 - project leader: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on particle size and shape of aeolian dust deposits

  • Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Quantification of changing nature of Pleistocene interglacial environments in the Carpathian Basin, inferred by loess-paleosoil sequences (2013-2015)

  • Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Atmospheric paleocirculation processes and aeolian dust depositional mechanisms in the Carpathian Basin based on loess-series