
Library - use, catalogues

Using the library

The library of Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences is a specific scientific research library that is open to the general public with some restrictions. Our identifier in the Hungarian library network is B37, our ISIL-code is HU-IL-001167-5.

The holding of the library is accessible to all registered users, however, lending books is possible only for the staff of the Institute and the Research Centre. Registration, use of catalogues, use of reading rooms and getting any information is free.


Electronic catalogue (OPAC)

Since 1990 an analytic documentation have been maintained, thus chapters of books and articles of documented periodicals can also be found in the catalogue.

Guidance and hints for searching in the online catalogue:

  What can be found in the catalogue? Holdings that have been listed since the 1980's (books, manuscripts, reprints, maps, atlases), articles of documented periodicals and book chapters from 1990. Retrospective cataloguing is still underway.

  When searching uppercase and lowercase are equivalent as well as the long and short accents of vowels. Articles and conjunctions are ignored by the programme. Three caracters of a search term must be entered at least, the third one may be truncation sign.

  Truncation is possible when entering search term, its symbol is "*- asterisk". e.g. industr* - all items are found that starts in "industr" and continues in any further characters (industry, industrial, etc). The search condition may be truncated from the left (beginning of the term) as well as from the right (from the end of the term). Truncation may substitute any number of characters, while masking substitute only one character, its symbol is question mark (?).

  •  Free WiFi is available in our reading room

  Bound subject heading system is in use, therefore, browsing is suggested instead of subject heading search, this way every subject heading can be found in alphabetical order, and each may link to connected documents.

  The title of a connected book or periodical may be typed into the source document field. E.g. if the search term "Geographical Journal" is entered in the source document field, and "2017" is typed into the year of publication field, the programme will list the articles published in the issues of Geographical Journal in 2017.

  Using advanced search two or more search field may be filled to narrow the results.

  Search results may be filtered according to the type of the document, this way we can specify on books, book chapters, articles, maps or electronic documents.

  Clicking on the question mark in the top right corner of the catalogue interface the "help" may be found, that provides further information on the usage.

Call numbers

  •  A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H: maps (by format)
  •  K-L-M-N-O: books (by size)
  •  P-Q-R-S-T-U: atlases (by size)
  •  X-Y: manuscripts, separata
  •  Z: journals

Traditional card catalogues

  •  Author catalogue: sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors, editors, contributors
  •  Title catalogue: sorted alphabetically according to the title of the entries
  •  Serials catalogue
  •  UDC catalogue
  •  catalogue for internal use
  •  Vagács-catalogue (a special geographic catalogue named after librarian and geographer András Vagács. It reveals documents according to topic and geographical location applying letter signs.)

 All of our card catalogues were closed in 2000.