Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
ISSN 2064-5031 (Print), ISSN 2064-5147 (Online)
As one of the most renowned journals in the field in Central and Eastern Europe Hungarian Geographical Bulletin is a leading international journal on contemporary research in geography. Building on a long tradition of empirical and theoretically informed research, the journal aims to provide a platform for discussions in a wide range of topics from natural resources, global environmental change and the emerging environmental hazards to socio-economic problems, political and cultural turns of the 21st century. The journal also welcomes contributions and multi-disciplinary perspectives that address issues of environment, space and place, from disciplines like landscape ecology, GISience, quaternary research, spatial planning, political science and social and cultural studies. The journal has a critical book review section. To be accepted, a paper must adhere to a high standard of scholarship and make an important contribution to geographic knowledge.
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin is abstracted and indexed in Clarivate Web of Science Core Collection ESCI, GEOBASE, Scopus, EBSCO Information Services, CAB Abstracts, Scimago Journal & Country Rank, DOAJ, Current Geographical Publications, Google Scholar.
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