Staff members - Patrik Tátrai
Patrik Tátrai
senior research fellow

Research Group on Ethnic-Political Geography and Migration
+ (36 1) 309 2600 /1469 ext.
tatrai.patrik csfk.org
Research topics:
Ethnic geography, political geography, critical cartography, migration
Patrik Tátrai’s research interests concern the macro-level ethnic processes in East and Central Europe and how this picture is shaped by micro-level identification and categorisation phenomena. Besides, he is engaged in exploring how politics and the visualisation of place names interrelate in multiethnic settings. He also focuses on cross-border migration in the context of kin-state policies in Transcarpathia, Ukraine.
Scientific degree:
PhD 2009 (ELTE)
MSc. Geographer - regional and urban development, University of Eötvös Loránd, Budapest 2002
Grants, awards
2021:   Bolyai memorial plaque
2019:   Bolyai+ research grant: „Recent ethnic processes in the Carpathian basin”
2017:   MTA “Bolyai János” research grant: “Transformation of the ethnic structure in post-socialist states: theories and their application”
2014:   Pro Geographia award by the Hungarian Geographical Society
2008:   Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Fund: Interethnic relations, coexistence in Sathmar County
2003:   MTA – SYLFF (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund): Social geographical research of the marginalization and segregation of the Roma population in the Alföld region
Membership and functions in scientific societies:
2018- Corresponding member of the Joint ICA/IGU Commission on Toponymy
2018- Member of Editorial Board of Kisebbségi Szemle
2014- Member of Editorial Board of Regio
2012- Member of Advisory Board of Domus, HAS
2012- Member of Political Geography Subcommittee of Human Geography, HAS
2011- Member of Board of HGS
2009- Member of Scientific Committee of Human Geography, HAS
2009- Member of Scientific Body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
2009- Secretary of Social and Economic Geography Section (called Human Geography Section since 2012) of HGS
2004- Member of the Hungarian Geographical Society (HGS)
Patrik Tátrai - selected publications
Tátrai P. – Ferenc V. – Rákóczi K. – Márton J. (2022): Közoktatási kör(tér)kép – A tanulói létszámok változása a Kárpát-medence külhoni magyar közösségeiben a 2010-es években. CSFK – Gondolat, Budapest.
Erőss Á. - Kovály K. - Tátrai P. (2016): Effects of the Ukrainian Crisis in Transcarpathia: the Hungarian Perspective. Centre of Migration Research Working Papers 92/150, Warsaw.
Kocsis K. - Tátrai P. (eds. 2015): A Kárpát-Pannon-térség változó etnikai arculata - Changing Ethnic Patterns of the Carpatho-Pannonian Area. 3rd, revised and enlarged ed. MTA CSFK Geographical Institute, Budapest. 12 maps, 35 p.
Tátrai P. (2010):
Az etnikai térszerkezet változásai a történeti Szatmárban / Changing ethnic structure of the historic Sathmar County. MTA FKI, Budapest. 242 p. + map supplements
Tátrai P. (2007): Válogatott bibliográfia Köztes-Európa etnikai földrajzához és etnikai térképezéséhez (1691-2006) / Selected Bibliography of Ethnic Geography and Ethnic Mapping of Europa-Between (1691-2006). MTA FKI. Budapest. 61 p.
Kocsis K. - Bottlik Zs. - Tátrai P. (2006): Etnikai térfolyamatok a Kárpát-medence határainkon túli régióiban (1989-2002) / Ethnic Process in the Carptho-Pannonian Area (1989-2002). MTA FKI. Budapest. 197 p.
Papers, book chapters
Erőss, Á., Holányi, Á., Tátrai, P. (2022): Toponymic politics and the role of heritagisation in multiethnic cities in Romania. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28 (6): 763-777.Erőss, Á., Kovály, K., Tátrai, P. (2021): Ethnic categorization practices and boundary (re)making in a multiethnic borderland of Ukraine. Border and Regional Studies, 9(4), 173-198.
Pénzes, J. - Pásztor, I.Z. - Tátrai, P. - Kóti, T. (2019): Roma population in Hungary – spatial distribution and its temporal changes. Deturope. 11(3), 138-159.
Tátrai P. – Molnár J. – Kovály K. – Erőss Á. (2018): Changes in the Number of Hungarians in Transcarpathia Based on the Survey ‘SUMMA 2017’. Hungarian Journal of Minority Studies 2. 103-135.
Taylor, A. – Tátrai, P. – Erőss, Á. (2018): Visible minorities in remote areas: a comparative study of Roma in Hungary and Indigenous people in Australia. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 67. 1. 43-60.
Tátrai P. – Erőss Á. – Kovály K. (2017): Kin-state politics stirred by a geopolitical conflict: Hungary’s growing activity in post-Euromaidan Transcarpathia, Ukraine. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 66. 3. 203–218.
Szabó B. - Tátrai P. (2016): Regional and social cleavages in the Slovak elections after the change of the regime. Geografický časopis 68. 3. 195–212.
Erőss Á. - Tátrai P. (2016): When reality meets power-rhetoric. Power, mapping and practice in contested spaces: the case of Cyprus and Karabakh. Documenti geografici 2016. 1. 1–30.
Tátrai P. - Erőss Á. (2016): Toponymic silence in contested geographical spaces: The neglect of place-name changes in Cyprus and in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Jordan, P. - Woodman, P. (eds.): Place-Name Changes. Name & Place - Contributions to Toponymic Literature and Research, Band 5. Verlag Dr. Kovač. Hamburg. pp. 385-401.
Tátrai P. (2015): Transformations of the ethnic structure in Hungary after the turn of the millennium. Human Geographies 9. 1. 79-96.
Pénzes J. - Pásztor I. - Tátrai P. (2015): Demographic Processes in Developmentally Peripheral Areas in Hungary. Stanovništvo 53. 2. 87-111.
Gábrity Molnár I. - Kocsis K. - Takács Z. - Tátrai P. (2013): Migrationsprozesse in der Vojvodina und ihre Vorgeschichte . Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften 29. 60-77.
Filep, B. - Váradi, M. M. - Takács Z. - Erőss, Á. - Nagy I. - Tátrai, P. - Wastl-Walter, D. (2013): Ungarische Migranten in Ungarn: Deserteure, Studierende und Berufstätige aus der Woiwodina zwischen transnationaler und ethnischer Migration. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 155. 148-170.
Erőss, Á. - Filep, B. - Kocsis, K. - Tátrai, P. (2011)
On Linkages and Barriers: The Dynamics of Neighbourhood along the State Borders of Hungary since EU Enlargement. In: Armbruster, H. - Meinhof, U. H. (eds): Negotiating Multicultural Europe. Borders, Networks, Neighbourhoods. Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke - New York. pp. 69-93.
Erőss, Á. - Filep, B. - Tátrai, P. - Váradi, M. M. - Wastl-Walter, D. (2011):
Stratégie éducative ou stratégie migratoire? Les étudiants de Voivodine en Hongrie. Géo-Regards 4. pp. 169-186.
Tátrai, P. (2011):
Ethnic residential segregation in three cities of Northwest Romania. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 60. 2. pp. 189-216.
Erőss, Á. - Tátrai, P. (2010):
Ethnic features of symbolic appropriation of public space in changing geopolitical frames - the case of Oradea/Nagyvárad. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 59. 1. pp. 51-68.
Tátrai P. (2008):
Interethnic neighbourhood in Romanian border towns. In: Süli-Zakar, I. (ed.): Neighbours and Partners: On the two sides of the border. Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó. Debrecen. pp. 151-158.
Tátrai P. (2004):
Ethnic Identity Along the Hungarian-Slovak Linguistic Border. Minorities Research 6. pp. 64-86.(Figures)
Patrik Tátrai - major projects
- 2023–2025 “Economic, social and environmental urban disparities in Romania and Hungary”, HAS-RAS Project-based Personnel Exchange Program, coordinator.
- 2021-2024: „(Pre)retirement migration and its potential development impacts in rural Hungary” NKFIH, K139127, Principal Investigator: Ágnes Erőss.
- 2021-2022: „Publication of the Public Education Atlas of Minority Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin” NKFIH, MEC_K141147, Project leader: Patrik Tátrai.
- 2019-2022: "“Migration trends and geopolitical challenges in Ukraine and Hungary”, HAS-NASU Project-based Personnel Exchange Program, coordinator
- 2015-2016: "Cross-border cooperation at the time of crisis on neighbor's soil", International Visegrad Fund
2010-2012: TRANSMIG: Integrating (trans)national migrants in transition states (SCOPES Co-operation Programme) Honlap
2009-2012: Etnikai egyensúlyhelyzetek, lokális együttélési modellek két vegyes lakosságú kisrégióban - Tövishát, Zobor-vidék
2009-2012: A Kárpát-Pannon térség országainak etnikai földrajza és térképezése (OTKA K77973)
- 2007-2010: Searching for Neighbours (SefoNe): Dynamics of Physical and Mental Borders in the New Europe. (2007-2010) (EU FP6) Honlap