
Staff members - Éva Kiss

Éva Kiss

scientific advisor

Economic Geography Research Group
Metropolitan and Urbanisation Research Group

 + (36 1) 309 2600 /1455 ext.

Research fields:
Economic geography, Industry geography, Urban geography

Research themes:
spatial processes of manufacturing industry, spatial structural changes on regional and local levels, urban industrial areas, FDI, relocation, industrial estates, clusters, industrial enterprises, location choice, geographical and industrial aspects of the fourth industrial revolution/Industry 4.0 technologies

Scientific degree:
DSc. 2008
Habil. dr. 2003
CSc. 1992
Dr. Univ. 1989

MSc., Geography and Biology, Lajos Kossuth Science University, Debrecen. 1986

Participation in higher education:
Professor 2010-

University of Sopron, Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, Sopron, 2000-2020 associate professor, professor

Membership and functions in Hungarian and in international scientific organisations, societies:
Member of Hungarian Geographical Association since 1993
Member of the Economic and Social Geography Section of Hungarian Geographical Society since 1993
Member of Public Body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) since 1994
Chair of Auditing Commission of Hungarian Geographical Society between 1997-2004
Member of Association of American Geographers since 2000
Honorable member of Advisory Council of Institute for Regional Development Studies in Kanpur (India) since 2004
Member of the Board Committee of Hungarian Geographical Society since 2004
Member of the X. Social Geographical Committee of HAS since 2008
Member of the IX. Research Committee of Future of HAS between 2008-2016
Core member of the István Széchenyi Doctoral School between 2009-2020
Member of the Doctoral Council of the István Széchenyi Doctoral School between 2009-2016
Member of the Hungarian National Committee of IGU since 2009
Member of Regional Studies Association since 2010
Member of the International Work-team of HAS IX. Committee of Statistics and Future between 2012-2016
Member of the Scientific Council of West Hungarian University (Sopron) between 2012-2016
Member of the Steering Committee of IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces since 2013
Representative of Public Body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences between 2013-2019
Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Regional Development since 2014
Member of Editorial Board of Geographia Slovaca since 2014
Invited member of the Sub-Committee for Future Research of HAS IX Committee of Statistics and Future since 2017
Head of the István Széchenyi Management and Organization Sciences Doctoral School, (Sopron) between 2017-2020
Chair of the Doctoral Council of the István Széchenyi Management and Organization Sciences Doctoral School (Sopron) between 2017-2020
Member of the University Doctoral and Habilitation Council of Sopron University between 2017-2020
Member of the Medal Committee of Hungarian Geographical Society between 2018-2021
Vice-Chair of IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces between 2019-2022
Social Geographical Scientific Committee, deputy chair, 2021-2024
Member of Editorial Board of Folia Geographica since 2023
Member of Editorial Board of European Journal of Geography since 2023
Chair of IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces since 2023

Szádeczky-Kardoss Elemér Award, 1993
Medal for the town Szob, 2000
Pro geographia, 2003
Academic award 2006
Excellent lecturer of West Hungarian University, 2011
Honorary freeman of the town Szob, 2020

Éva Kiss - selected publications


Kiss É. (szerk.): A hazai ipari parkok különböző dimenzióban [Hungarian industrial parks in different dimensions]. Dialóg Campus Kiadó, Pécs-Budapest. 2013. 230 p.

Kiss É. Területi szerkezetváltás a magyar iparban 1989 után [Spatial restructuring in Hungarian industry after 1989]. Dialóg Campus Kiadó, Pécs-Budapest. 2010. 224 p.

Kiss É. Az Európai Unió a XXI. század elején [The European Union at the beginning of the 21st century]. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest, 2005. 462 p.

Book chapters

Kiss, E. W-crisis in Hungarian industries: effects and strategies from the viewpoint of enterprises. In: Wilson-Flores, O. ed. Econimc crises: risk factors, management practices and social impacts. Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2016. pp. 45-81.

Kiss E. The evolution of industrial areas in Budapest after 1989. In: Stanilov, K. ed. The post-socialist city. Springer Publishers, Dordrecht. 2007. pp. 147-173. DOI


Kiss É.- Páger B.: Spatial patterns of manufacturing sectors and digitalisation in Hungary in the age of Industry 4.0 EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES 31 p. Article in Press. (2023) DOI

Kiss É.- Kuttor D. - Varga B. Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical study in Hungarian manufacturing companies GEOGRAPHIA POLONICA 96 (2) pp 239-257. (2023) DOI

Kiss É.- Varga Gy. - Kuttor D.: Triple helix in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the spatial pattern of Hungarian industry. ERDKUNDE 77 (1) pp 53-69 (2023) DOI

Alhloul A. - Kiss É.: Industry 4.0 as a challenge for the skills and competencies of the labor force: a bibliometric review and a survey. sci 4 (3) Paper 34. 17 p. (2022) DOI

Kiss É.- Nedelka E.: Geographical approach of Industry 4.0 based on information and communication technologies at Hungarian enterprises in connection with industrial space. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin. 2020. 69:(2). pp.99-119. DOI

Kiss, E.-Jankó, F.-Mikó, E.-Bertalan L. Bridge and/or Springboard: Sopron/Ödenburg, The Hungarian border town’s role in international migration after 1989. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft. 2017. Vol. 159. pp.199-220. DOI

Kiss, E. Changes in the regional differences of the health state in Hungary after 1989. National Geographical Journal of India. 2016. 62:(1). pp.1-20.

Kiss, E-Tiner, T. 2013: Depending on motorways: transport connections of Hungarian industrial parks and their enterprises. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin. 2012. 61:(2). pp.131-153.

Kiss E.: The impacts of the economic crisis on the spatial organization of Hungarian industry. European Urban and Regional Studies 19:(1) pp. 62-76. (2012) DOI

Kiss É.: A válság területi konzekvenciái az iparban. Területi Statisztika 14:(2) pp. 161-180. (2011)

Kiss, E.: The impacts of relocation on the spatial pattern to Hungarian industry. Geographia Polonica. 2007. Vol. 80. No.1.pp. 43-63. (pdf 6,6 Mb)

Kiss, E.: Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary. Industry and its spatial effects. Eastern European Economics. 2007. Vol. 45. 1. pp 6-29. (pdf 5,9 Mb) DOI

Kiss E.: Spatial impacts of post-socialist industrial transformation in the major Hungarian cities. European Urban and Regional Studies 11. 2004. 1. pp. 81-87. (pdf 2,4 Mb) DOI

Kiss E.: Restructuring in the industrial areas of Budapest in the period of transition. Urban Studies. Vol. 39. 2002. 1. pp.69-85. (pdf 6,4 Mb) DOI

Kiss E.: A magyar ipar térszerkezeti változásai. Földrajzi Értesítő. 2002. 3-4. pp.347-365. (pdf 6,3 Mb)

Kiss E.: Rural restructuring in Hungary in the period of socio-economic transition. GeoJournal. 2000. vol. 51. 3. pp. 221-233. (pdf 6,75 Mb) DOI

Kiss E.: A várossá nyilvánítás problematikája és a várossá válás jelentősége az önkormányzatok szemszögéből. Földrajzi Értesítő. XLVII. 1998. 3. pp. 456-482.

Kiss E.: The Hungarian Reception and Impact of a Multinational Company on the Case of Suzuki in the Town Esztergom. Geographical Review of Japan. Vol.68. (Ser.B.) No.2., 1995. pp.198-208. DOI

Éva Kiss - projects

OTKA (National scientific research program) projects

New trends in the spatial structure of Hungarian industry in connection with the fourth industrial revolution (2017-2023). Nr: NKFIH K125091.

Spatial structural impacts of industrial investments and their transport connections (2008-2013) Nr: T075906.

Spatial structural connections of modern Hungarian industry (2004-2007). Nr: T046014

Industrial estates (parks) in Hungary (1999-2002) Nr: T029456

Geographical spatial connections of organizational and structural transformation of industry in Central Region (1995-1998) Nr: F016238

Other researches (carried out partly by scholarships)

Social geographical analysis of underdeveloped region of Middle Tisza. MTA-Soros Scholarship in 1991)

Spatial structural consequences of the transformation of rural industry on the case of Budapest agglomeration. MTA-SASAKAWA (SYLFF) Scholarship between 1992-1993)

Local spatial connections of globalizing industry in the Hungarian large towns. MTA-Bolyai Research Scholarship between 1999-2001)

International cooperation

Rural survival strategies in transitional countries. University of Joensuu. Karelian Institute. (1998-2000)

Project supported by local authority

Submitting the application of the settlement Szob to become a town (1999-2000).

Tourism and regional researches for the development of Szob and its surrounding (2011)

Projects supported by the Ministry of Economics

The role of supports in the regional economic development (2001-2002)

Project supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The level of economic development and its regional differences in Southeastern Europe. The industry of Southeastern Europe before and after 1989. (2004)