
Library - institutional publications

Károly Kocsis (Editor-in-Chief) 2024. National Atlas of Hungary – State and Nation. HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute, Budapest. 199 p. (English edition)

Editor - in - chief Károly Kocsis
Title National Atlas of Hungary Vol. 1 - State and Nation
Publication data Budapest, HUN-REN CSFK Geographical Institute, 2024. 199 p.
ISBN 978-963-9545-70-0
Price HUF 20.000
Weight 2850 g
Size 42.5 x 31 cm

After the volumes on the Natural Environment (publ. 2018) and Society (publ. 2021), this volume of the new National Atlas of Hungary focuses on the Hungarian state and nation. Tracing the roots of historical phenomena, the publication explores the characteristics and spatial dynamics of the state and nation.

The thematic maps inform about such diverse topics as the surveying and mapping of Hungary, the inhabitants of the Carpathian Basin before the Hungarian conquest, the administrative geography of Hungary in the past and present, changes and fluctuations in the territory of the Hungarian state and nation, the structure of traditional folk culture, the spatial aspects of Hungarian dialects, political and social activity in the country, international relations, and the geography of Hungarian talent. The illustrations in the latter chapter give insights into the spatial distribution of Hungarian talent, the places of education of the country’s academics and scientists, the destinations of Hungarian émigré scientists and artists, the distribution of Nobel Prize laureates and Olympic gold medallist by country, the birthplaces of Hungarian Nobel laureates and Olympic champions, and the successes of Hungarian Oscar winners. Included among the brand-new maps are several showing the destinations of Hungarian football coaches, musicians, and inventors who achieved success abroad.


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