
Research Group on Ethnic-, Political Geography and Migration

About the Research Group

The research group conducts quantitative and qualitative studies in Human Geography focusing on the rapidly changing migration patterns in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), as well as the closely related geopolitical issues. Additionally, in line with the institute’s public responsibilities and within the context of nation and homeland studies, the group examines the geographical-political background of ethnic conflicts and recent ethnic dynamics. While our research primarily focuses on processes in Hungary and neighbouring countries, certain ethnic geographical phenomena are also studied on a global scale.

Current Main Research Topics

Ethnic Geographies in CEE

  • Comprehensive geographical study of ethno-demographic changes in the Carpathian Basin
  • Examination of theoretical and practical issues of ethnic identification and assimilation using quantitative and qualitative approaches in CEE
  • Analysis of the social structure of the Hungarian minorities in the Carpathian Basin, with a particular focus on demographics, education, mixed marriages, and election results

Old and New Forms of Migration in CEE

  • International (pre)retirement migration to Hungary
  • Ethnic migration in the context of Hungary’s kin-state politics (Transmig, Kárpátalja)

Study of Ethnic-Cultural Diversity, Related Spatial Use Characteristics, and Conflicts

  • Linguistic landscape, the use of geographical names in multiethnic areas, and the conflicts associated with them
  • Examination of characteristics and conflicts related to (urban) spatial use and the formation of symbolic spaces

Main projects

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National Atlas of Hungary

Homepage of the National Atlas of Hungary project.

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Study of Transcarpathia

Our Institute has been doing research on Transcarpathia for more than 20 years.

Project leaders: Ágnes Erőss, Dávid Karácsonyi, Katalin Kovály, Patrik Tátrai

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Public Education Atlas of Transborder Hungarians

The project presents the situation of mother tongue education in the four largest Hungarian minorities (Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine).

Project leader: Patrik Tátrai

Ethnic Dynamics in CEE

The main aim of the project is to present the ethnic relations of the Carpathian Basin and its neighbourhood

Public outreach

  Documentaries about Transcarpathia
  Geogulliver blog and podcast
  Spotlight Summer School – Exploring the spatial representation of cultural diversity and its role in place identity and place attachment through audiovisuality
  Research facilitating governmental and Hungarian minority advocacy decision-making (Summa 2017, Transcarpathia Hungarian Diaspora)

Members of the Research Group

  KOCSIS, Károly, Member of the Academy, Head of research group, institute director
  ERŐSS, Ágnes, (PhD), research fellow
  KARÁCSONYI, Dávid, (PhD), research fellow
  KOVÁLY, Katalin, (PhD), research fellow
  TÁTRAI, Patrik, (PhD), senior research fellow